Gender Pay Gap
Information for staff
The gender pay gap shows the difference in the hourly pay between men and women in the University. A positive percentage shows that on average men earn more than women and a negative average indicates that women earn more than men.
A gender pay gap is not a measure of unequal pay for the same or similar jobs and typically is reflective of a higher proportion of men occupying higher paid roles and a higher proportion of women occupying lower paid roles.
Equal pay is different to the gender pay gap and refers to a situation where there is a difference in pay between men and women doing the same job or work of equal value. In partnership with our recognised trades unions, UCU and Unite, the University uses the HERA job evaluation scheme to ensure that all jobs are evaluated and weighted using a standard set of criteria.
The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017, came into force on 31st March 2017, and requires employers with more than 250 employees to publish specific information on their gender pay gap.
Specifically, this means publishing 6 calculations, in relation to hourly pay, pay quartiles and bonus pay for relevant employees.
The mean average pay gap is based on the hourly rate of pay calculated in accordance with the regulations.
Aston University currently has a mean average pay gap of 17.08% (up from 17.01% in 2022).
The median gender pay gap is calculated listing the hourly pay for all relevant staff in numerical order. The median average is the middle number. Comparing the median average pay for men with the median average pay for women gives the median average pay gap.
At Aston University the current median average pay gap is 21.09% (up from 16.19% in 2022).
The data shows that our pay gap is primarily the result of having significantly more men in roles in the top quartile of pay and significantly more women than men in the bottom two quartiles of pay.
The gender split between men and women in the top quartile of roles shows that 59.24% are occupied by men (down from 60.99% in 2022) and 40.76% are occupied by women (up from 39.01% in 2022).
In the upper middle quartile 48.34% of roles are occupied by men (up from 47.99% in 2022) and 51.66% are occupied by women (down from 52.01% in 2022).
In the lower middle quartile men represent 41.07% of the group (down from 43.24% in 2022) and women represent 58.93% (up from 56.76% in 2022).
In the lowest paid quartile of roles women are over-represented with 70.35% (up from 67.64% in 2022) as opposed to 29.65% of men (down from 32.36% in 2022).
Bonus pay is calculated using payments made to employees in the 12 months prior to the snapshot date of 31 March 2023.
The percentage of men receiving a bonus was 12.49% (down from 15.99% in 2022) and the percentage of women receiving a bonus was 16.24% (down from 21.65 % in 2022).
The difference between the mean bonus paid to men and the mean bonus paid to women shows that on average women received bonuses 17.85% lower than men (down from 68.62% in 2022).
The difference between the median bonus paid to men and the median bonus paid to women shows that the median bonus was 33.33% lower (down 0% (the same) in 2022).
The University Remuneration Committee decided in November 2018 to discontinue bonus payments to senior staff with immediate effect. Consequently, while other bonus payments will continue to be monitored to ensure equity, we expect to see that the bonus pay gender gap will be significantly reduced in future years.
Further actions have been identified to ensure that the gender pay gap at Aston and are set out in an action plan.