The MMI (Multiple Mini Interview) is a crucial part of the Aston Medical School application process.
MMI stands for Multiple Mini Interviews. Medical schools have traditionally used formal panel interviews as part of their selection process (three or four people asking the candidate questions about their personal statement, motivation for studying medicine and so on). It was felt that this selection method did not assess the candidate’s full range of abilities, leading many medical schools to use MMIs instead. MMIs allow us to see if a candidate has the personal attributes to become a safe, competent and caring doctor who is able to play a full role in whichever health system they choose. We are looking for applicants who are well-rounded individuals with the ability to cope with an intensive course and a demanding career.
All our MMIs are held online. During an MMI you will encounter several different stations. Each station is designed to test a different attribute (see “what does Aston Medical School look for at the MMI” below for details).
Some stations may require you to interact with actors, or you may be given a scenario to read and discuss with the assessor. You will be scored on your performance at each station and then an overall score will be calculated. We feel this approach is fairer than an interview panel as it gives you the opportunity to showcase a wider skill set. It also means that if, for example, one particular station doesn't suit your skill set, you can compensate for this at other stations.
We have consulted doctors, healthcare workers, academics, students and patients to work out the qualities that we should be looking for – as well as the General Medical Council’s guidelines. With this in mind, we believe that our MMIs enable us to select candidates who will become great doctors.
We're looking for qualities such as:
You will not be tested on medical knowledge. When writing the scenarios for the MMIs, we take into consideration the typical age and experience of our applicants.
The MMIs are online and normally take place between December and March in your year of application. Applicants who rank high enough to be called for interview will receive an invitation with a number of dates to select from. A time for the MMI to take place will then be allocated to the applicant.
The Medical School Council (the council body representatives for UK medical schools) has put together more information on preparing for interviews. To access this, you will need to register with the council, which is a free service.