We are so proud to have been an Official University of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. It was the most incredible journey for our staff, students, city, and partners, both in the run up to, and during the Games. We are so pleased to have played our role in the largest sporting event the West Midlands has ever seen.

 Our Role

Commonwealth games 2022 mascot Perry trying on glasses

Loaning of optometry equipment and providing eye care expertise

The School of Optometry loaned ophthalmic equipment and provided eye care expertise, supported by a network of qualified optometrist volunteers for three polyclinics, which formed the primary healthcare facilities for athletes and team officials requiring medical assessment and treatment throughout the Games period. Professor Leon Davies oversaw the Games’ eye care clinics which brought together a cohort of volunteer optometrists, dispensing opticians, and ophthalmologists from across the UK.

Commonwealth games 2022 mascot Perry charging electric car

Hosting temporary electric vehicle charging facilities

We supported Birmingham 2022 in their aim to be the first games to create a carbon neutral legacy by providing parking and hosting temporary electric vehicle charging facilities for its fleet, as well as other spaces on campus for its organising team.


Our impact in pictures 

B2022 Evaluation Infographic

Celebrating our Commonwealth heroes

Aston University is a world-leading insitution providing high-quality education for the next generation of leaders from across the globe. Here we celebrate the stories of leading students from some of the competing commonweatlh nations.