Applicant policies
Policy for students under the age of 18 years
Introduction and Context
Aston University (“the University”) permits applicants under the age of 18 to apply to study and enrol onto its programmes.
The University is an adult environment and treats all its students as independent, mature individuals regardless of whether they are under the age of 18 years.
The University’s Policies and Procedures apply to all students who are permitted to enrol at the University.
1.1 Purpose of the Policy
The University has established a policy that will apply to students under the age of 18 years.
1.2 What is covered by the Policy?
This policy covers the duties owed by the University and a student under the age of 18 years.
1.3 Who is covered by the Policy?
This policy applies to a student, who at the date of enrolment onto a University programme, is under the age of 18 years.
2. Who is responsible for the Policy?
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Engagement) is the Executive Sponsor, and, they and the Director of Academic and Student Services are responsible for this policy.
2.1 Enhanced duty of care
2.1.1 The University recognises that it has a duty of care towards its students. This duty will be enhanced where the student is under the age of 18 years. The Director of Operations or nominee for each College will be responsible for the provision/facilitation of enhanced duty of care which will include: notification of age procedures (see clause 8 below); facilitation of regular meetings with personal tutors; and notification of programme director.
2.2 Student responsibility
Students will be expected to act responsibly and appropriately at all times.
2.3 Application process for under 18’s
Applicants will typically apply via UCAS, (apart from the International Foundation Programme or when applying from a partner institution which involves direct application). Applications will be assessed using the University’s standard academic criteria. In the event the University deems an applicant academically suitable, a conditional offer will be made to include any outstanding academic qualifications as well as the return of a completed parental consent form.
2.4 Parent/Guardian Consent
2.4.1 The University will not act in loco parentis.
2.4.2 If you are an applicant who will be under the age of 18 at the time of enrolment, your parent/guardian will be required to complete the parental consent declaration form as set out in schedule 1 to this policy. This will be a condition of your offer.
2.4.3 If your parent/guardian lives outside of the UK, the University requires your parent to provide details of a guardian based in the UK.
2.4.4 The parent/guardian should ensure that the University is provided with up-to-date contact details.
2.4.5 By signing the parental consent declaration form, parents/guardians acknowledge that students are required to undertake placements, excursions and/or field trips as part of their study and the University excludes all liability to the extent permitted by law.
2.5 Fees
Students under the age of 18 must be able to demonstrate they can meet their tuition fees and any other fees due and payable while at the University.
2.6 Contracts
Students under the age of 18 years are by law unable to enter into legal contracts. In the event such contracts are required, parents/guardians will act as guarantor of the student and honour all obligations under those contracts until the student reaches the age of 18.
2.7 Notification of Age
The Head of Undergraduate Admissions will inform the Director of Studies and Academic Services, the Students’ Union and the relevant Associate Dean, prior to enrolment, of any student who will be under the age of 18 on entry to the University. Where appropriate, the personal tutor, programme director and residence tutor of the student will also be notified. No other member of staff of the University will be routinely informed of a student’s age.
2.8 Personal Tutor Support
Students under the age of 18 will receive the following support from their personal tutor:
2.8.1 the Personal Tutor will contact the student within the first month of the student’s academic year to ascertain how they are dealing with the transition into their studies; and
2.8.2 the Personal Tutor will arrange follow up meetings on a termly basis, unless requested more frequently by the student; and
2.8.2 the Personal Tutor will ensure the student is aware all the support services available
2.9 Safeguarding
The University recognises that it has social, moral and legal responsibilities to protect and safeguard the welfare of children, young people and adults in vulnerable situations with whom its work brings it into contact. The University has developed a Safeguarding Policy and Procedure to which it adheres.
2.10 Relationships with staff
Under the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000, it is a criminal offence for any person in a position of trust (which may include members of University staff) to engage in sexual activity with someone who is under 18 years.
2.11 Student accommodation
2.11.1 In accordance with the University’s allocation policy, students aged 17 at the point of enrolment and who qualify under the guaranteed room offer, will be allocated a room.
2.11.2 Students aged 17 and living in student accommodation will receive the following support: the Accommodation Advisor will contact the student within the first month of the student’s academic year to ascertain how they are dealing with the transition into their accommodation; the Accommodation Advisor will arrange follow up meetings on a termly basis, unless requested more frequently by the student; and the Accommodation Advisor will ensure the student is aware of where the facilities are located and where to find local amenities.
2.11.3 We are unable to offer rooms to students who are under the age of 17 at the point of enrolment.
2.12 Students’ Union
Students of the University are encouraged to join clubs and societies to enhance their experience. The objectives of the Union are to advance the education of students while at the University.
2.13 Alcohol and tobacco
The University will take reasonable steps to ensure the law is not broken in relation to licensed premises under its control. The University cannot undertake to supervise individual students in relation to the purchase of alcohol and tobacco.
2.14 Data protection
For the purposes of data protection law, minors are deemed to be an adult at the age of 13. The University will not provide parents/guardians with information containing personal data of the student without obtaining prior written consent, this extends to student’s progress and results.
2.15 Applicants who require a Student visa
In order for the University to sponsor a student for a Student visa, the applicant must be a minimum of 16 years old on entry to the University. If an applicant is under 16 years old on entry and requires a Student visa, the University may make the applicant a deferred offer for entry in the year following their 16th birthday, subject to satisfying the University’s entry requirements.
Schedule 1
Parental/Guardian Consent Declaration form
To be completed by the parents/guardian of the named applicant (“the Applicant”)
Name of Applicant
Applicant Number
Programme of study (“the Programme”)
I hereby confirm that I am the parent/legal guardian (delete as applicable) of the Applicant, and have read the Policy for Students Under the Age of 18 Years.
I hereby give my consent to the Applicant applying to study the Programme at Aston University (“the University”).
In the event the Applicant is successful in their application, then he/she has my permission to sign those contracts which are necessary for induction/enrolment at the University.
I acknowledge that as part of the Programme the Applicant may be required to undertake a period on placement, fieldtrips and/or excursions. As such, I give my consent for the Applicant to take part in those activities.
I accept that the University will not act in loco parentis should the Applicant be admitted to the University.
I undertake to inform the University as soon as possible, of where the Applicant intends to reside for the duration of the Programme.
Full Name:
When returning this form please also attach proof that you are the legal guardian of the Applicant (for example a scanned copy of the applicant’s birth certificate or a letter confirming legal guardianship from an official source.)
Please detail below the arrangements you have made/will make for the applicant’s travel to the University
If the applicant will be travelling to the UK from overseas, please detail below the arrangements you have made/will make for the applicant’s reception when they arrive in the UK
[Please continue overleaf]
If the applicant will be travelling to the UK from overseas, please detail below the arrangements you have made/will make for the applicant’s care while in the UK
If the applicant’s parents/guardians are living outside of the UK, or intend to leave the UK prior to the Applicant reaching the age of 18 years please complete the following section:
The legal guardian for the Applicant will be:
Full Name:
I hereby confirm that I have notified the above named guardian of his/her responsibility to the Applicant.
Full Name:
Please return the completed form to: