Applying for First Year Accommodation
Take a look at our step-by-step guide on how to apply for first year accommodation
Please begin by looking at the different types of accommodation on offer (Room Types and Prices) in the different buildings. There are 5 bedroom and 7 bedroom flats in each area, with different costs and amenities.
Please read the Allocation Policy 2024/25 before beginning your application.
When you are ready, you can start your application.
After firmly accepting your offer through UCAS, please allow up to 24 hours for our system to update which will enable you to register online on the Accommodation Application Portal.
You must register the first time using your unique Student ID (possibly starting with 24, unless you have deferred in which case, it could start with 22 or 23), not your UCAS number. Please register using an email you check regularly as your room offer will be sent to this email. Please do not use school email addresses that you will no be able to access over the summer and beyond.
Any of these could cause an invalid response
Also, if you have firmly accepted your offer on UCAS recently as an undergraduate, it can take up to 48 hours for that information to be shared with Aston.
You may need to enter some contact details for yourself and an emergency contact during registration. Some details you may not be able to change. You will need guarantor details later when completing your booking with Unite Students.
After completing your registration, you will be sent via email a validation code which must be used to log in for the first time. At busy time such as clearing, this validation code may take up to 24 hours to be sent to your email.
Using your validation code, log in and select 'APPLY' from the two choices.
On the Applications page, choose 2024/25 as your 'Academic Year' and Undergraduate or Postgraduate as your 'Course Type'. Finally, click on 'New Student'.
If you an exchange student and are applying for a room for just one term, please choose Teaching Period 1 (September 2024 to January 2025) or Teaching Period 2 (January 2025 to June 2025), please click on the relevant link.
On the next pages, you can prioritise which building you would like to live in and whether you want a 5 bed flat or a 7 bed flat. You can make up to 3 choices from 4 options (2 buildings and 2 types of room). The contract length for undergraduates is 44.43 weeks and it is 51 weeks for postgraduates. The start and end dates will be filled in for you. There are at least two buildings and two different room types, so choose three out of four.
Postgraduate students can choose between 5 bedroom and 7 bedroom flats in the Willian Murdoch building only.
Exchange students studying for just one semester will be able to choose a 5 bedroom flat in the Willian Murdoch building only.
We will try and place you in your first choices but that is not always possible due to availability.
On the next page, you will be able to add further preferences.
In the NOTES section, please make sure you put everything you would like us to consider. e.g. friends you would like to share with or any issues about high or low floors. Please be aware that whilst we will endeavour to meet your preferences, we regret that due to the limited nature of the available accommodation, it is not always possible to satisfy them.
Please see our ALLOCATION POLICY to see how we prioritise your requirements.
On the next page, you will get a summary of your chosen options and any preferences and notes you have made. Please check these and edit them if needed before continuing.
Click on Submit. You will then have to tick a box that says you have read the Allocations Policy and that your details will be shared with our accommodation partner, Unite Students. We strongly encourage you to read the Policy before ticking the box to make sure you know what you are agreeing to.
You will then receive an email to say your application has been received. The University will now check your application to make sure you are eligible for first year accommodation and that you have firmly accepted an offer for Aston as your first choice.
If you have a conditional offer, you will have a room reserved for you until A-Level results are released on 15th August, 2024. If your exam results mean your course offer is confirmed, the room offer will be sent to you.
If you have an unconditional offer, you will receive a room offer from May 2024 onwards.
Please ensure that your email software doesn't send emails from or to the junk or spam email folder.
You can check the status of your application by clicking on 'Dashboard' and then 'View'.
Upon receiving a room offer, you will be then sent an email from Unite Students within 24 hours with details of how to complete your booking. Once you have been sent the Unite Students email, you will have 3 working days to pay an advance fee of £250. This will be deducted from your first instalment. If all the steps of booking are not completed within 3 working days, you will be notified by email that the offer has been withdrawn. If withdrawn, you will have to apply again to the University for a room but the 1st year guarantee will no longer apply.
Once you have completed the Unite booking details and paid the advance rental payment, you will then have a further 7 days for yourself and your guarantor to sign a tenancy agreement.
If the two tenancy agreements (student and guarantor) are accepted, advance rent payment has been made and the payment details registered then the booking will be completed.
If the tenancy agreements are not accepted by student and guarantor within 7 days, your room offer will be withdrawn and you will have to apply again to the University for a room but the 1st year guarantee will no longer apply.
You can choose to pay for your room in instalments or as a one off payment.
If you are a UK student on an undergraduate or postgraduate contract, you can pay in full or pay in three
If you are an EU/International student on an undergraduate or postgraduate contract, you can pay in full or pay
For first year accommodation 24/25 enquiries, please email us.