

Study the Postgraduate Certificate in Neurophysiology at Aston University to become more autonomous in your role and to develop the ability to evaluate and improve services for patients.

Location: Online learning

Course type
Part-time, Online / distance learning
Entry requirements

1 year

Start date

Course overview

This programme sits within the National Health Service’s vision for the Healthcare Science workforce. It has been designed for individuals already in professional practice who want to advance their skills to enhance the diagnosis and treatment of patients and gain a deeper understanding of their clinical neurophysiology practice area or develop knowledge in new areas.

You will receive a Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert) after completing the programme. However, you can also continue to a Postgraduate Diploma and Master if you choose, or exit the programme after finalising any stage (i.e. the first year or the second year). This strategy enables you to be flexible with your level of commitment at the outset.

The content of most modules is available by distance / blended learning, allowing you flexibility in how you study. Attending sessions in person is encouraged where possible. There are additional study skills sessions arranged in September/October to help prepare students for the course. 

The course is accredited by the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS), and in combination with The Association of Neurophysiological Scientists (ANS) professional exams, is a route to registration. (Any professional exams would be arranged by and undertaken in your local department, not through Aston University).

Why Neurophysiology at Aston University?

Internationally recognised research
100% of our health and life sciences research environment has been ranked as being at least internationally excellent, with 50% being world-leading
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Professional accreditation
Accredited by the Academy for Healthcare Science (Incorporating the Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists)
Research active staff
Learn from passionate research-active academics in specialist areas of Neurophysiology research
Flexible study
Flexible: gain a post-graduate certificate, diploma or masters qualification
Continuing professional development
Modules can be taken independently as continuing professional development

Course description

Clinical Neurophysiology Practice PgCert

Our Neurophysiology Practice PgCert at Aston University will equip you with the insights and confidence required to advance your skills to enhance the diagnosis and treatment of patients and gain a deeper understanding of clinical neurophysiology practice areas or develop knowledge in new areas.

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What we will provide
First-class teaching delivered by a diverse array of staff with years of close industry collaboration that is harnessed to provide you with learning based on real-world needs. Our teaching aims to inspire and excite you and bring your course to life.

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What you will provide
Engagement and interaction within the sessions and online learning activities is important. Independent and self-directed learning is a key aspect of the course, especially as work-based learners. 

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What skills we teach
Learn the skills to improve your practice with an understanding of patient-centred care and shared decision-making for individualised holistic approaches to patient care, as well as teamwork, negotiation and collaboration skills, and the ability to interpret evidence-based practice and synthesise findings for clinical implementation.

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Career prospects
Demands for assessment and treatment services is set to rise substantially over the coming years. As a graduate of this course, you will be well-placed to develop careers in hospitals, community-based practice, and related research areas. Previous graduates have become advanced practitioners or service section leaders.

The programme is designed to meet the NHS's requirements and builds on Aston's established links and extensive experience in health education.

How you will learn

All teaching and learning materials are hosted on Blackboard – a virtual teaching environment - as you will be taught via a blended learning approach combining individual and directed learning with scheduled seminars and workshops to complement your learning.

You will be provided with a clear plan per study module with assessments aligned to the module learning outcomes. Some modules will have in-person sessions that you are recommended to join. Please note – there is a two-day in-person attendance requirement as part of the Introduction to Healthcare and Professional Practice module.  

What you will learn

Dedicated support systems are in place from across the University, and this program benefits from a guest lecture series. Your scheduled time on campus provides you with the opportunity to discuss learning, participate in group activities, and meet with your project supervisor.

Although this will depend upon the individual,  a typical student can expect to spend around 10 hours a week throughout the duration of the course, equivalent to 500 hours of study in total.

Modules are primarily assessed via coursework, so you can benchmark your abilities early on and develop your skills in managing your learning.

Course objectives

  1. Provide you with critical thinking skills and up to date knowledge based on the evidence to improve their clinical practice and the advance of the profession.
  2. Create learning opportunities for current NHS practitioners in neurophysiology to promote personal and professional development within their roles.
  3. Provide a professionally relevant and educationally challenging postgraduate education that will enable you to maximise their contribution to the treatment and care of patients.
  4. Provide you with an environment where staff research and clinical activity inspire and inform your learning.


Taught stage modules

In the taught stage, you will study the following core modules:

Module TitleCredits
Introduction to Healthcare and Professional Practice15

Evidence-based Practice

Professional Communication in Healthcare15


And choose one of the following optional modules:

Module TitleCredits
Nerve Conduction and Evoked Potentials15

Advanced EEG


We may update our courses to reflect best practices and academic developments. If we do, we’ll let you know of any changes at the earliest opportunity by updating our course webpages. If you have already received an offer, we’ll write to you directly to let you know of the changes.

Entry requirements

  • Candidates should be employed in clinical neurophysiology departments or related services
  • A first or upper-second-class honours degree in a life sciences-based subject (UK) or international equivalent.
  • UK applications are welcome from in-service neurophysiology staff who do not meet the academic requirements. Candidates should have a minimum of six months of service within a Neurophysiology department before starting the programme with exposure to the investigations within the selected moduleApplicants will need a recommendation or supporting letter from their head of department.
  • The information on this website details the typical entry requirements for this course for the most commonly offered qualifications. Applicants with alternative qualifications may wish to enquire with the relevant admissions teams before applying whether or not their qualifications are deemed acceptable. Less commonly encountered qualifications will be judged on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the academic admissions tutor. 

International students

Aston University is a diverse, close community and welcomes international students on many of our undergraduate programmes. Students from over 120 countries choose to study with us every year. Based in the centre of Birmingham, Aston is not only a great place to study, it’s also a great place to live.

Qualifications in your country

For details of equivalent qualifications in your country, use our area pages below:

English language requirements

Applicants whose first language is not English will be required to provide evidence of an English language qualification.

English language requirements

How to apply

Aston University provides a range of opportunities for international students to join our community and study on our campus. A key part of our strategy is our relationships with teaching partners, providing multiple pathways to Aston.

Aston’s professional work placements can improve your chance of securing a graduate job. Placements give you experience, confidence and opportunities and, as an Aston student, you’ll be better prepared for your future career. One of the great things about Aston is our focus on employability. Our close links with businesses, industries and professions make this possible.

Find out more about applying

Post-study work visa

Aston University welcomed the creation of a new Graduate Immigration Route which enables international students to remain in the UK for two years after you complete your studies to find work. This new post-study work visa applies to international students completing full-time undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Graduate Immigration Route

Pathway Programmes

If you don’t meet our entry requirements, we have a range of pathway programmes offered by our partner, ONCAMPUS Aston, which you can complete to progress onto one of our degrees.

Masters Foundation programmes

If you don’t meet our entry requirements, we have a range of pathway programmes offered by our partner, ONCAMPUS Aston, which you can complete to progress onto one of our degrees.



Speak to our Admissions Team

If you have any questions about the application process please get in touch with our postgraduate admissions team:


Call: 0121 204 3200 (Please note this line is open Monday-Friday between 09.30 am-4.30 pm)

Fees and scholarships

Course fees

UK students

Annual tuition fees: £4,200

International students

Annual tuition fees:£7,200

More information on fees

The United Kingdom government has confirmed that European Union (EU), other European Economic Area (EEA) and Swiss nationals commencing academic courses in England from August 2021 will no longer be charged the same tuition rates as UK students.

Tuition fees for students are reviewed annually and may increase in subsequent years in line with inflation linked to the Retail Price Index (RPI) to take account of the University’s increased costs of delivering the Programme. Any such increase shall always be in accordance with the law. When undertaking a placement year, a placement year fee applies.


At Aston University we are committed to supporting the most talented and hardworking students to achieve their potential by providing a range of scholarships to help lower tuition and living costs.


Modules are primarily assessed via coursework, so you can benchmark your abilities early on and develop your skills in managing your learning.

Programme director: Saira Hussain

Clinical Lead: Dr Valia Rodríguez-Rodríguez 

Teaching staff: 

Core modules

Neurophysiology modules


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