Studied via distance learning, this module focuses on the measurement, correction and clinical management of myopia, now affecting around 25% of UK adolescents and an estimated one billion people globally. You will explore the causes of myopia, its progression and the potential for treatment through optical, pharmaceutical and behavioural methods. The module provides insight into contemporary research on myopia, including epidemiology, genetics and the debate between nature and nurture in its development.
Key topics include the classification and epidemiology of myopia, structural and functional changes in the eye and methods to predict and manage the condition. You will examine emmetropization, the role of retinal blur and ocular growth and strategies for optical and pharmaceutical management. This module also explores preventive measures such as outdoor activity, nearwork and nutrition, providing a comprehensive understanding of myopia and its relevance to clinical practice.
This is a level 7 module (equivalent level of study to a postgraduate or masters degree) worth 20 credits.
Module tutor(s): Professor Nicola Logan