Independent Prescribing for Optometrists


Develop your role as a clinician in the field of optometry and become an Optometrist Independent Prescriber. Successful completion of our Independent Prescribing course provides a Postgraduate Certificate in Optometry Independent Prescribing and eligibility to apply for entry into the General Optical Council’s (GOC) speciality register as an Independent Prescribing Optometrist.

Course type
Online / distance learning
Entry requirements

Two periods of 4 months each followed by a module spanning the duration of an external placement

Start date

Course overview

Please note the application deadline for this course is Saturday 25 January 2025.

Within their scope of clinical practice, Independent Prescribing Optometrists can therapeutically manage any ocular condition affecting the eye and adnexa using a range of medicines. Being an Independent Prescriber can provide new career opportunities, increase professional freedom, and improve job satisfaction.  Optometrists who complete the Postgraduate Certificate in Independent Prescribing will be eligible to apply to the General Optical Council (GOC) for registration as an Independent Prescribing optometrist.  

This course combines theoretical knowledge provided on a distance learning basis and a single compulsory campus clinical skills day. A clinical placement is also required, and candidates are encouraged to secure their hospital placement and supervisor prior to the application process.

Aston University is an established GOC-accredited provider for Independent Prescribing. In line with the GOC’s recently updated ‘Independent Prescribing Education and Training Requirements’, the Aston Independent Prescribing Postgraduate Certificate has been designed to fulfil these new requirements. Aston University is the first University in the UK to be ‘noted’ by the GOC for these changes, and anticipate full GOC accreditation of the newest version of the programme in the near future.


It is the responsibility of the trainee to arrange the clinical practice placement under the supervision of a Designated Prescribing Person (DPP) prior to starting the course. The clinical placement site is usually a HES ophthalmology clinic. The DPP must be must be an actively prescribing practitioner in a patient-facing role, with at least 2 years of recent prescribing activity. Professionally, a DPP must be either GMC registered medic with an ophthalmology specialism currently practising in the UK, or a GOC registered Independent Prescribing optometrist.  
*Details provided are intended to give an overview of the proposed aims and content in modules, they are not a complete exhaustive and definitive description of module content.

Key information

Credit value: 60 masters level credits

Mode of delivery: Distance Learning with a one day on campus workshop Course type: Postgraduate Certificate

The costs for the clinical placement, which is to be arranged by each trainee, can vary, depending on the fees, if any, imposed by the respective HES or clinical practice. The placement should be arranged prior to starting this programme.

Start date: 1 March 2025

Clinical placement: Candidates applying for the Postgraduate Certificate in Independent Prescribing for Optometrists must independently secure a clinical placement with an appropriate supervisor prior to applying for the course. The clinical placement usually takes place within an NHS hospital outpatient department in which a variety of ocular pathologies are managed therapeutically during face-to-face clinics. The clinical placements usually last around 2 weeks.’

Course format:

Distance learning with single on-campus day. IP clinical placement is to be arranged by the candidate

Time commitment

Although this will depend upon the individual, a typical student can expect to spend around 10 hours a week throughout the duration of the course, equivalent to 600 hours of study in total, plus up to 90 hours of ‘learning and experience in practice,’ including a clinical placement which must be at least 75 hours in duration.

There is a mandatory on-campus Clinical Skills Day on Monday 7 April 2025 which must be attended in person for those completing the Postgraduate Certificate in Independent Prescribing for Optometrists. 

Key applicant information

We have a cap of 60 students per intake and therefore recommend applying early.


Stage one - pre application

In stage one, you and your Designated Prescribing Practitioner (DPP) must complete the associated pre-application forms using the buttons provided below. Failure to do so will result in your application being rejected. Upon completion, continue to stage two, the course application, within 48 hours.

Pre-application form (For applicants only)

Please complete the Pre-Application Form Part 1 and submit it within 48 hours of also submitting your online formal admissions application (stage two).

To be completed by the applicant

Pre-application form (for DPP only)

As part of the course, you must undertake a clinical placement which is overseen by a Designated Prescribing Practitioner (DPP).  You must identify and confirm your proposed clinical placement site and DPP to prior to enrolling onto the course. 

The proposed Designated Prescribing Practitioner should complete this form, and by doing so, confirm that it is expected the student will undertake their clinical placement at the named clinical setting under the overall supervision of the named DPP.  If the proposed DPP changes prior to the clinical placement, the student should contact the Aston IP team directly.

To be completed by DPP 

Stage two: Aston University application

After stage one is complete, please complete the below application within 48 hours of stage one completion



Taught stage modules

In the taught stage, you will study the following core modules:

Module TitleCredits
Ocular Therapeutics 1 -  This theoretical module covers a range of topics including ocular immunology, pharmacology and ocular therapeutic drugs, frameworks of prescribing, and prescribing safely and professionally.20

Prescribing for Disorders of the Eye  - This theoretical module covers a range of topics including red eye management, ocular surface disease management and cataract co-management. Both of the above modules can be taken independently as part of the Optometry Flexible Credit Accumulation framework award.

Prescribing in Practice - Prescribing in Practice: This module is focused on learning and experience in practice and requires students to build an ‘Ocular Therapeutics Portfolio’ to demonstrate their experience. This module overarches both of the above modules.  As part of this module, you will be required to attend a mandatory clinical skills day which takes place on the Aston University campus during the first semester of study.  After the successful completion of your first theoretical module cular Therapeutics, you will be eligible to start your clinical placement under the supervision of your DPP. During the clinical placement, students will be expected to complete a clinical logbook and key reflective tasks. 

The aim of this component of the training is to develop competency in the practice of prescribing and to facilitate the integration of prescribing theory and practice with the conditions that the trainee will subsequently manage.


Entry requirements

The Independent Prescriber course is open to UK-based GOC registered optometrists who:

  • Have a degree in Optometry
  • Current and active General Optical Council (GOC) registration
  • Have up-to-date knowledge and experience in their intended area of practice. This could be relevant experience obtained in the hospital eye service, at a specialist eyecare practice or in a shared care scheme.
  • The clinical placement (75 hours) is the candidate’s responsibility to organise and confirm prior to enrolment. There must be a ‘Designated Prescribing Practitioner (DPP),’ at the placement site who is willing to oversee the placement. The applicant and the DPP must complete the pre-application forms which should be submitted alongside their formal online application form. Please see link (to the pre-application form).
  • Language requirement: Find out more about our English language requirements.
  • Evidence of a basic DBS check within the last 3 years


Course fees

UK students

Tuition fees:£3,000



Speak to our Admissions Team

If you have any questions about the application process please get in touch with our postgraduate admissions team:


Call: 0121 204 3200 (Please note this line is open Monday-Friday between 09.30am-4.30pm BST)

Please click here for guidance on completing the postgraduate application. 

Learning, teaching, and assessment

This course is delivered via distance learning. You will access learning materials for general study, revision and assessment via our virtual learning environment, Blackboard. This platform allows you to access a comprehensive range of study materials, scientific journals, e-journals, databases and much more. Most topics are delivered by PowerPoint lectures with speeches. Other lectures are delivered in a text-based format. Assessment is by coursework submitted throughout the course.

The Practical Prescribing module will require mandatory in-person attendance on Monday 7 April 2025 for a Clinical Skills Day at Aston University. Upon successful completion of all three modules, you will be eligible for a postgraduate certificate in Optometry Independent Prescribing and may apply to the General Optical Council (GOC) for entry onto the register as an Independent Prescribing Optometrist.

Course leads: Dr Preeti K. Bhogal-Bhamra and Dr Sally Blackmore-Wright (Teaching Fellow)

This course is part of the School of Optometry which sits within the College of Health and Life Sciences.

Career prospects

Our courses offer you the opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills in order to develop your career. In addition, our ethos is to equip you to make a real difference in your field.