What is Aston's 'No Purchase Order, No Pay' rule?
Any invoice that does not quote a valid purchase order will be returned to the Supplier unpaid. This means that whenever you submit an invoice for payment it must clearly quote a valid purchase order (PO) number. If you do not have a purchase order, please do not proceed with the order, please contact the university department making the purchase and ask them to provide one.
If the University receive an invoice that does not quote a valid PO number, we will send it back to you unpaid. You will need to contact the person who requested the goods, services or works who will provide a valid PO number. You will then need to quote this PO number on your invoice and resend it to the University. You must not accept any order from the University if an order number is not provided. Our Purchase Order number consists of eight numbers beginning with a nine or four (e.g. 90XXXXXXX / 40XXXXXXX).
Failure to obtain and provide a PO number may result in a delay to payment. All invoices should be submitted to the University's Accounts Payable team.
Electronic Invoicing
The University's method for receiving invoices is via email to Finance Invoices.
More information on invoicing and payments can be found here.
When a Supplier to the University has changed their details please visit here on how to inform the University to ensure we keep your records updated and to avoid any delays in payments.