As part of the ongoing commitment to improving research quality at Aston, the University has made available a fund to support the retention of high-quality researchers coming to the end of their contracts. This bridging fund will cover periods between the end of one external grant and the beginning of another, up to a maximum of 12 weeks. The cut-off for completing the spend of this funding is July 31st 2024. 

Applications will be accepted from PIs with the Head of School’s approval. This is an open call, and applicants will need to set out a specific programme of work that will be to be conducted during the bridging period and provide details of the benefits to the University in retaining the staff member.  

Please note that the funding cut-off is July 31st 2025

What duration can an application cover?

Applications are capped at 12 weeks. 

Who can apply? 

Applications will be accepted by PIs on behalf of staff members to be bridged. 

Who can be bridged?

Research Only colleagues who are coming to the end of an externally funded contract. 

How are the funds allocated? 

The fund is allocated on a first come first served basis, applications where external awards are already confirmed will receive priority. 

Example Form

An example form can be downloaded below. 

Example Form285.6 KB

For further information, please contact