There's lots happening at the IHN. Here you'll find the latest news, updates, blogs and events taking place.

If you would like to provide a news item, blog or update for the page please email the Institute of Health and Neurodevelopment.


Molecules to Minds Public Lecture

We recently held our latest molecules to minds public lecture with Dr Stuart Greenhill. He discussed how the natural process of making and breaking connections in our brains leads us to learn new skills and information, and how this process changes in neurological conditions such as epilepsy and schizophrenia. If you missed it you can watch back on YouTube. 

Title: Our Plastic Brains – the wonderful world of wiring, waves and wandering.
Speaker: Dr Stuart Greenhill (Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience, Aston Institute of Health and Neurodevelopment). 
Host: Professor Gavin Woodhall (Co-Director of Aston Institute of Health and Neurodevelopment). 


Updates and blogs 

Keep an eye on this section for exciting news, updates and blogs from IHN members.