Continuous Professional Development
We are organised in the following centres
Our People
- Institute Members
Dr Sarah Atkins
Lecturer in English
Email: Fiona KelcherTeaching FellowEmail: Amy Booth
Researcher in Forensic Linguistics
Email@ Krzysztof Kredens
Director of the Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics
Email: Lucia Busso
Research Fellow in Forensic Linguistics
Email: Stefanie Kreibich
Operations Manager
Email: Emily Chiang
Research Fellow in Forensic Linguistics
Email: Nicci MacLeod
Deputy Director of the Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics
Email: Malcom Coulthard
Chair of Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics Advisory Board
Email: Andrea Mojedano Batel
Research Fellow in Forensic Linguistics
Email: Felicity Deamer
Senior Lecturer in Forensic Linguistics
Email: Geoffrey Stewart Morrison
Director of the Forensic Speech Science Laboratory
Email: Tim Grant
Professor of Forensic Linguistics
Email: Ralph Morton
Research Fellow in Forensic Linguistics
Email: Kate Haworth
Director of the Centre for Spoken Interaction in Legal Contexts
Email: Tahmineh Tayebi
Lecturer in Forensic Linguistics
Email: Madison Hunter
Research Associate in Forensic Linguistics
Email: Philip Weber
Lecturer in Forensic Data Science
Email: Honorary and Adjunct Members
Mitchell Abrams
Visiting AIFL Researcher
FTADr Ewald Enzinger
Senior Research Engineer Eduworks Corporation
FSSLDr Ria Perkins
FTAProf Lauren Devine
Professor of Linguistics and Law
Lancaster UniversityDr Claudia Rosas
Instituto de Lingüística y Literatura, Universidad Austral de Chile
FSSLProf Yaron MatrasHonorary Professor, Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics, School of Social website: yaronmatras.orgFTADr Juliette ScottLegal Translation Practitioner, Researcher & ConsultantEmail: Isabel Picornell
Director, QED Forensic Linguistics Ltd
FTA, SILCProf Cuiling Zhang
School of Criminal Investigation, Southwest University of Political Science and Law
FSSL- Members of the AIFL Advisory Board
Malcolm Coulthard
Professor Emeritus, Birmingham University
Chair of the AIFL Advisory BoardChris Heffer
Reader, Cardiff University
Adviser for SILCPeter Patrick
Professor Emeritus, Essex University
Adviser for FTAYaron Matras Honorary Professor, Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics, School of Social website: yaronmatras.orgAdviser to AIFLJanet Ainsworth
John D. Eshelman Professor of Law Emerita, Seattle University
Adviser for CLLDeborah Leary, OBE
CEO and founder of Forensic Pathways
Adviser to AIFL
- PhD Research Students
Neus Alberich Buera
Research Student
Eden Palmer
Research StudentLily Calloway
Research Student
Raphael Ribeiro
Research StudentMelanie Clinton
Research Student
Jordan Robertson
Research Student
Julija Danu
Research Student
Lisa Rogers
Research StudentJenna Elliott
Research StudentNatascha Rohde
Research Student
Lauren Morgan
Research Student
Our Teaching
- Master of Arts in Forensic Linguistics
We run a one-year Master of Arts in Forensic Linguistics programme.
NEW FOR 2022: Study for the MA Forensic Linguistics entirely online. Find more details here.
Members of the Institute teach the undergraduate courses “Language and Law” and “Language as Evidence”.
Potential PhD students should in the first instance make enquiries with the Aston academic staff member with whom they are interested in working. Note that only members with the rank of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader, Associate Professor, or Professor can supervise PhD students.
- PhD supervision
We are currently advertising for up to two fully-funded PhD studentships for October 2024 entry. Please have a look for more details on the Aston Graduate School pages.
The Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics (AIFL) has a proven track-record of supervising PhD students in the areas of forensic linguistics and language and law, and we are always keen to hear from strong candidates interested in completing a doctorate research degree under our supervision.
Potential PhD students should in the first instance make enquiries with the Aston academic staff member with whom they are interested in working. Note that only members with the rank of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader, Associate Professor, or Professor can supervise PhD students.
This includes Prof Tim Grant, Dr Krzysztof Kredens, Dr Geoffrey Stewart Morrison, Dr Tahmineh Tayebi, Dr Kate Haworth, Dr Nicci MacLeod, and Dr Felicity Deamer. Their research interests can be found on the AIFL pages of Aston Research Explorer.
For informal enquiries about PhD supervision, please contact the individual you would like to become your supervisor or, for more general enquiries, Professor Tim Grant (
Please find more information about the application process by visiting this website.
You may also be interested in:
- Casework and consulting
The Institute itself does not conduct casework; however, members of the Institute conduct investigative and evidential casework in the civil and criminal courts in multiple jurisdictions around the world. Our research informs our casework activity, and our casework experience informs our research and teaching.
Members of the Institute also take part in non-casework consulting. This includes advising commercial security organisations, lawyers, and HR departments about risks management.