The Contribution of CREME to the Analysis of the Social Relations of the Firm
This report addresses that part of the work of CREME which connects with debates in the sociology of work and occupations on the nature of social relations at the workplace. 


Two Decades of Impact: CREME's 20th Anniversary Video 
CREME (Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship) colleagues celebrate their 20th anniversary by highlighting noteworthy research, demonstrating their commitment to "Making Diversity and Enterprise Everyone's Business."
CREME at 20


Time to Change: Power of Partnerships
05/03/24 The event, Time to Change: Power of Partnerships, was hosted in the Enterprise Hub at the University's corporate headquarters by the Centre for Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME) on 21 February. The CREME team was joined by key partners to discuss how it is collaborating to implement the Time to Change report and how partners can all support this movement. 
TTC Video


Igniting Change: A Comprehensive Approach for Business Support Providers to Empower Refugee Entrepreneurs

02/08/23 A policy brief for business support providers and policymakers. This policy brief sets out the key role of business support providers can play in realising the potential of refugee entrepreneurs. It establishes the importance of a holistic approach which benefits refugee entrepreneurs and the wider community

campus aston university

Small Business Charter

(07/23) Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME) - Business Charter Awards.

small business charter - creme

Community Advice Surgeries - How They Differ and Why They Are Needed

(01/23) The Case for Community Advice Surgeries in Schools, Places of Worship and Voluntary Organisations to Help the Most Marginalised Households. This briefing paper outlines the limitations of current advice services, as well as suggestions for how funded community advice surgeries can reduce the exclusion faced by marginalised communities in the Birmingham are and beyond.

Time to Change Video

(01/23) The Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME) has partnered with NatWest for the Time to Change report which sets out ten evidence-based recommendations to promote greater success and inclusion of ethnic minority businesses (EMBs) in finance and business support in the UK.

Farm-to-Fork Food Resilience: Birmingham and the Curry House Trade Conference Report

(09/22) In September 2022 CREME hosted a landmark conference for the Bangladeshi catering community.  Organised by Bangladeshi business owners and public agencies this collaborative event highlighted the urgent need for action if the much loved ‘curry house’ is to survive. The report shares challenges in the sector, changing nature of competition and the changes needed to survive.

Time to Change: A Blueprint for Advancing the UK's Ethnic Minority Businesses

(05/22) We have collaborated with NatWest Group to produce a new report that highlights the key challenges and sets out a blueprint for advancing the growth potential of EMB's in the UK creating a roadmap, in the form of ten evidence-based, actionable recommendations required to create a level playing field for entrepreneurs across the UK.

Business Family Justice in Ownership and Wealth Transfers

(02/22) CREME and the Institute of Family Business have co-produced The Family Business Challenges guide (report number 19). The guide provides evidence based guidance for family-business owners and their advisors on inter-generational business ownership and wealth transfer.

How Community Organising can Help Build a more Inclusive Economy

(12/21) Research report released by our partners Citizens UK and Nesta which highlights our innovative work with ethnic minority businesses during the pandemic.

Unlocking Opportunity: Exploring the Value of Ethnic Minority Firms to UK Economic Activity and Enterprise

(07/20) In our latest report for the Federation of Small Business (FSB), we call on the government for greater support.

Black New Street

(10/20) Presented by Punch and CREME, this documentary casts a reflective eye on the legacy of Birmingham's black businesses, exploring the past, present and future.

Welfare State: A Facilitator or Inhibitor of Inclusive Entrepreneurship?

(11/20) CREME Research fellow Dr Eva Kasperova explores the relationship between welfare support and entrepreneurial behaviour among disabled people.

SHE: See Her Empowered Documentary

See How Empowered. See Her Elevated. See Her Entrepreneurialism, CREME and Punch have co-commissioned this must-watch documentary to shine a spotlight on inspirational female-led businesses in Birmingham and the West Midlands. It aims to educate, inspire and empower people around the world.

Introduction to the Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship

An introduction to the Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME). CREME delivers leading expertise and business support for ethnic minority entrepreneurs and has transformed perceptions by working with business policymakers and influential organisations to engage collaboratively with overlooked or disregarded business communities.

CREME in Action: Supporting Entrepreneurs

A spotlight on the businesses that have been supported through our work at CREME, with the opportunity for them to speak about their experiences working with the Centre and how it has impacted their business operations.

CREME Practitioner Partners

A showcase of our partners, which include Punch Records, ACH Citizens UK, Skills Link, and the GBSLEP Growth Hub, among many others, with whom we collaborate to make a real difference in the lives of ethnic minority communities and businesses.

ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize 2021 Winners, Outstanding Business and Enterprise Impact

Entrepreneurial Responses to the Pandemic: Supporting Micro-businesses and Promoting Inclusion, an ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize finalist's short films.