This project seeks to explore the limited links in policy formation between taxation policy and social policy in the UK.

As a 2-year initiative, the project team has drawn together many of the leading UK academics working at the interface of taxation policy and social policy to produce a book exploring the latest research and perspectives on the need for these connections.

This work builds on a book of the same title released in 1980 (edited by Cedric Sandford, Chris Pond and Robert Walker, Heinemann Press) that called for much greater integration of the way in which social policy and tax policy was then set, delivered, and monitored in the UK.

This book highlights the very limited ways in which the situation elaborated in the 1980 text has progressed to the very great detriment of the delivery of effective social policy.

Chapters in the book include coverage of how tax policy affects (or does not affect where it could) various social policy domains including health and social care, pensions, housing, gender, benefits, wealth, climate change, employment, fiscal welfare and the use of tax expenditures, local taxation, and corporate taxation.

Output: Taxation and Social Policy

Team: Andy Lymer, Adrian Sinfield and Margaret May