Hello! We’re a team of current Aston University students, and you can ask us anything about studying here.

We all come from different countries and we study a range of undergraduate and postgraduate subjects here at Aston University.

From our personal experience of applying to universities, we found it really helpful to talk to current students about what student life is really like, so we’re here to answer any questions that you may have.

If you’re happy to talk to anyone in our team, simply email us and the first person available will reply to you. Alternatively, there are a few other ways that you can contact us:

Depending on your questions, you might want to talk to someone on a similar course to yours, or perhaps you would like to speak to someone from your home country.  You can contact specific people in the team below:


MSc Marketing and Strategy

I'm from Indonesia



MSc Human Resource Management

I'm from Vietnam

Find out why some of the members of our team decided to study at Aston University:


Useful contact details

If you need to talk to a University staff member about your application, here are some useful contact details: