Aston University's library services are here to help you get the most out of our print collection.
Borrowing Books
All current students and staff can borrow up to 35 books.
All books are found on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Find out more about finding, returning, renewing and reserving books
If the book is not in the Library collection, you can ask the Library to purchase it or you could request the book via our Inter-library Loans service.
Postal loans in the UK and Ireland
If you are a part-time student, on a distance learning course, on your placement or have a disability or additional need, you can ask the Library staff to post books out to you. If you are outside the UK, please contact your Information Specialist.
You can check Library Search to make sure we have the books in stock and if we have, then complete the online request form.
Serviced Scanning
If you are a part-time, distance learning student or placement student you can ask for scanned copies of articles from journals and chapters from books to be made on your behalf. These will be emailed to your Aston email address. In order to request a scan you will need to check on Library Search to make sure the book or journal is available at Aston. If it isn't on Library Search you will need to use the Inter-library Loan service instead.
To make a scanning request use the scanning request form. You must print the form out blank and complete it, remembering to sign each request with your written signature or complete it online and sign it digitally. A typed signature is not acceptable under Copyright Law.
Scan the form and post back to us - address details are on the form. You can also scan, sign and email the form back as an attachment to or return the form in person to the Help desk on the ground floor of the Library.
REMEMBER - we need a written signature or a digital signature to process any request for scanning.
You may only request one article from any one issue of a journal, or one reasonable length chapter from a book. Requests for multiple articles or chapters from the same issue/book are not permitted due to copyright legislation.
Serviced scanning costs 5p per page. Charges will be added to your Library record to be paid at the end of your course of study or when the amount reaches £50. Payment can be made online.
Store Journals
Most of our printed journals are kept in the Library store. If you would like to borrow one of these titles please fill in the form to request a journal volume/issue from the Library Store.
Your request will be available to collect from the Library Help Desk within 2 working days of our receiving the full and accurate information required and you will receive an email informing you when it's available to collect.