
Abstract: A short summary of an article or document

Advanced search: A search option in our Library Search pages. It allows you to improve your search by combining keywords meaning that you get more accurate and relevant search results

Article: A piece of writing which is published in a journal on a specific topic

Author: The person who has written the book, article, or other information

Automatic renewals: Automatic renewals are in place on all normal loaned items (up to 26 renewals) unless reserved by another user. Automatic renewals do not apply to laptop loans


Bibliography: A list of books and articles which an author has used to find information for a piece of written work. Bibliographies are usually found at the end of an article, book, or dissertation

Book Box: The Library has an external book box where items can be returned to us - This is open 24/7 and can be found at the front of the building to the right of the front doors

Boolean operators: Boolean operators are the words "AND", "OR" and "NOT". When used in Library Search and other Library databases they can make each search more precise


Catalogue: a database such as Library Search which lists all the books, journals, and other materials that the library holds or has electronic access to

Chat: The Library has a live chat platform where you can contact a member of Library staff – this is operated 09:00 – 17:00 and can be found on all Library web pages

Citation: A citation is a reference to a source of information which has been used by an author when writing a book or article.  A citation will appear in the text whenever the author refers to a specific source. There are various ways of doing citations called referencing styles

Class Number/Class Mark: A code made up of letters and numbers which indicates what subject a book is about and where it is shelved in the Library

Copyright: A form of legal protection afforded to creators of intellectual works that dictates if and how their work can be used or re-used


Database: An organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a computer system. Library databases normally contain journal articles, but can also contain book chapters, videos, data, and other types of information

Dewey: Refers to Dewey Decimal Classification; the classification system used in our library

Dissertation: A long piece of writing on a specific topic. This is usually required in the final year of an Undergraduate degree

Document Supply: See Inter-Library Loan

DOI: A DOI, or Digital Object Identifier, is a string of numbers, letters and symbols used to permanently identify an article or document and link to it on the web


E-book: An electronic version of a book, which can be accessed via the web. E-books can be selected as a limiter when using the Library Search tool

E-journal: A journal that is published online only, or both in print and online

Edition: An edition is a particular version of a book, magazine, or newspaper that is printed at one time

Editor: The person who puts together a collection of documents (such as journal articles or book chapters) written by different authors

Embargo: A period of time (often 6, 12 or 18 months) before you are able to access the full text of journal articles. If you need access to an article which is under embargo, please use our Inter-Library loan service

EndNote: A reference management tool that will format citations and bibliographies into a nominated style


Full text: A document (e.g., a journal article) available to view online in its entirety. As opposed to an abstract

Fine: A charge issued by the Library if you return a recalled/reserved item to the Library late (after the due date)


Hold: The ability to reserve a library resource that is on loan to another borrower. Also called a reservation


Index: An alphabetical or themed list of topics accompanied by relevant page numbers, normally found at the back of a book

Inter-Library loan: An item borrowed from another library when it is not available in Aston University Library. You can order an inter-library loan online via our web pages

ISBN: (International Standard Book Number).  A unique 10- or 13-character code that identifies a particular book

Institutional Log In: A system used to control access to e-books, e-journals, and databases. Selecting 'Aston University' from a list of institutions allows you to login with your University username and password


Journal: A publication issued at regular intervals, usually with volume numbers and dates; also called periodicals, magazines, or serials


Keyword: A descriptive word or phrase used to search databases and other online resources such as Library Search


Monograph: A scholarly book or lengthy essay that examines a specialised subject in detail

My Account: The option on Library Search which lets you see which books you have borrowed, any holds that you have placed and any Library fines outstanding


Overdue: If an item has been reserved by another user and has not been returned by its recall date, it is classed as overdue


Peer reviewed: The process by which, prior to publication, a journal article is scrutinised by a group of subject experts to ensure academic integrity

Periodical: See Journal

Plagiarism: The act of passing someone else’s work off as your own


Reading List: A list of books, journal articles and other documents which have been recommended by your lecturer to read for a particular course module

Referencing Styles: Different ways of presenting references, citations, and bibliographies in your written work. Harvard is the most common referencing style used in UK universities including Aston

Reservation: See Hold


SCONUL Access: A reciprocal scheme between UK University Libraries. Under the arrangements of the SCONUL Access scheme, students and staff who attend member institutions can also apply for a membership card to use the Library on a regular basis if they are:

Academic and support staff (band A)
Research e.g., PhD (band A)
Part time (band B) Distance learning (band B)
Placement (band B)
Full time postgraduate (band C)

Self-issue machines: Located on the Ground and Second Floors, these machines allow you to borrow and return items and also to check your online Library account

Search Terms: Words used to look for articles or items in a bibliographic database. See also Keyword


Thesis: A piece of original written work done as part of a higher postgraduate degree


uniCARD: Your Aston University student/staff card