Aston Institute for Membrane Excellence (AIME) has been awarded £6.1m in funding from the UK Government Department of Science, Industry and Technology (DSIT), with a further £7.1m in co-funding from partners including Science Card and Bruntwood SciTech.
Aston University collaboration to develop injectable paste which could treat bone cancer
Babies respond positively to smell of foods experienced in the womb according to study co-led at Aston University
Aston University opens new Student Solutions Centre
Putting least calorific meals first on menu makes teenagers more likely to order them according to a study co-led at Aston University
Aston University crisis and disaster management expert helps prepare India-Nepal hill communities for disasters
Undergraduate student enrolments surge at Aston University
The secrets of impactful leadership to be revealed at networking event for business professionals at Aston Business School
Aston Institute for Membrane Excellence wins £13.2m of UK government and co-funding for water treatment technology
Region’s digital arts sector to be boosted through Aston University partnership
Aston University launches transformational Enterprise Strategy
New study reveals link between workaholism and organisational harm
Social media toolkit co-developed by Aston University researcher launched to support young women with body image