- Dr Victoria Vdovychenko will delve into the current state of affairs in Ukraine and share insights into the future prospects of the nation
- She will present findings from the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London
- Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the international efforts that could help pave the way for a prosperous future.
Aston University is set to share the learnings of a conference to mobilise international support for Ukraine’s recovery from the effects of war at its next Society matters LIVE talk at 17:30 hrs on Thursday 29 June at Hockley Social Club in Birmingham.
The UK will host the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC) in London on 21 and 22 June, with distinguished experts from Europe and the UK. URC 2023 will focus on ways to support for Ukraine's economic and social stabilisation, including through emergency assistance for immediate needs and financing private sector participation in the reconstruction process.
In her talk Ukraine towards its victory? Lessons from the London Reform Conference Dr Victoria Vdovychenko, a lecturer in politics and international relations at Aston University, will provide insights into the conference proceedings, shedding light on key developments that have taken place in Ukraine and their potential to bring an end to the war.
Attendees will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the resilience exhibited by contemporary Ukrainian society, which not only perseveres against external threats but also continues to drive internal reforms amid challenging circumstances.
This live event, part of the Society matters LIVE series, is free to attend and is made possible through the collaborative efforts of Aston University and Café Artum at Hockley Social Club.
You can sign up here.
- Notes to Editors
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