Study or work in another country
Following the UK’s departure from the European Union, the UK will no longer participate in the new Erasmus+ for 2021-2027. However, under the Withdrawal Agreement negotiated with the EU, the UK will continue to participate fully in the Erasmus+ programme (2014-2020). This means that the projects successfully bid for during the 2014-2020 programme will continue to receive EU funding for the full duration of the projects, including those where funding runs beyond 2020.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic affecting mobility, we are pleased to confirm that Aston University’s funding has been extended until 31 May 2023, meaning that we can continue to support Aston students undertaking placements in the academic years 2021/22 and 2022/23 with Erasmus mobility grants from the 2019 and 2020 Calls, until the projects finish or until the funds have been exhausted.
If you have any questions about what the changes mean for staff and student exchanges at Aston University, please email
Aston is a recognised participant in the Erasmus+ programme, which is funded by the European Commission. This educational exchange programme offers both students and staff the opportunity to study, work, teach or train in another country. Aston participates in both Key Action 103 (staff and student mobility in Europe) and Key Action 107 (staff and student mobility outside of Europe).
Under the Erasmus+ Programme, students can apply to spend 2-12 months of their course as an exchange student at a partner university in Europe or on a work placement in Europe. Aston is proud that around 350 of its own Undergraduate and Postgraduate students are able to participate each year and we also welcome incoming students from partner institutions.
For further information, please see FAQs or visit the Erasmus+ web page or the European Commission web page.
All outgoing students, please see this FAQ sheet for more information about payments and deadlines
To discuss how you can get involved in Erasmus+, please contact
Aston also encourages staff to participate in the scheme and has funding for teaching or training activities in Europe. Teaching must take place at an Erasmus+ partner institution with a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week. Training can take place at any HEI or organisation within the EU however all mobility must be approved by the participant's Line Manager and the International Office.
Recently, Aston has been able to offer funded mobilities to and from non-European countries for staff and students. Aston's partner countries include India, Taiwan, Thailand, Brazil, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Russia, Palestine and Israel. Aston will shortly be publishing case studies from each project on the website.
The selection criteria for Erasmus+ mobility is based on motivation and awareness of the benefits of such mobility, relevance to current role or subject, previous participation in the programme and the nature of mobility. In cases of equivalence, priority will be given to participants from a disadvantaged background, in line with equal opportunities policies.
In Updates on Brexit: We would like to reassure our students, staff and our partners that Aston University is firmly committed to our relationships within the European Union. For further information on the UK's decision to leave the European Union, and how this may impact Erasmus+, please visit our webpage.
For more information regarding Erasmus+ exchanges at Aston, please click on one of the following: