Aston Medical School staffMeet the Aston Medical School team and search for staff in teaching, research, and professional service positions across the school.StaffAcademic staffDr Afshan Ahmad (MBChB Admissions Lead, Teaching Fellow)Dr Shakil Ahmad (Senior Research Fellow)Dr Younis Ahmad (Clinical teaching fellow)Dr Anis Ahmed (Clinical Speciality Lead)Nidal Al Athamneh (Clinical Skills Lecturer)Dr Sami Al-Ani (Senior Lecturer in Anatomy)Dr Noor Al-Antary (Lecturer)Dr Asma Ali (Clinical Teaching Fellow)Dr Bamidele Paul Atiba (Clinical Teaching Fellow)Dr Shagaf Bakour (Phase II Lead, MBChB)James Bateman (Clinical Speciality Lead)Dr Charlotte Bates (Senior Teaching Fellow and Simulation Lead for Nursing)Dr Phil Begg (Programme Director, Physician Associate)Dr Rashmi Bhatt (Clinical Teaching Fellow)Sarah Brooks (Clinical teaching fellow)Irene Bubb (Programme office) Dr Priya Chandan (Clinical Senior Lecturer)Danny Chandla (Lecturer)Samantha Chapman (Nursing teaching fellow)Dr Yolanda CorreiaDr Mit Dattani (Clinical Speciality Lead)Ed Davis (Clinical Speciality Lead Orthopaedics)Dr John Delieu (Lecturer in Anatomy)Dr Irundika Dias (Senior Lecturer)Dr Mary Drozd (Senior Teaching Fellow and Admissions Lead)Janet Drury (Academic Support Lead)Francesca Dunmore (Clinical Teaching Fellow)Dr Elizabeth Dunn (Clinical Teaching Lecturer)Dr Nicholas Eames (Clinical teaching fellow)Eki Eriyo (Nursing teaching fellow)Dr Phillip Gichuru (Psychometrician)Lucy Gregory (Widening Participation Assistant) Professor Yuchun Gu (Professor of Molecular Physiology)Gemma Halewood-Muse (Programme Director, Physician Associate)Ghaniah Hassan-Smith (Clinical Senior Lecturer)Zaki Hassan-Smith (Acute Medicine, Year 5 Lead)Stuart Holmes (Lecturer - Health Leadership)Sarah Hopkins (Laboratory Research Technician)Paul Hunt (Academic Administrator)Jeanette Ikuomola (Programme Office Lead)Dr Theo Kantidakis (Senior LecturerDr Rahil Kassamali (Clinical Speciality Lead - Radiology)Fahad Khan (Lecturer)Nabila Khan (Physician Associates Clinical Teaching Fellow)Dr Boris Kysela (Director of Research Translational Medicine Research Group, Senior Lecturer)EL Evmorfia Ladoyanni (Clinical Speciality Lead Dermatology)Dr Nadia Lascar (Senior Lecturer)Professor Francisco Leyva-Leon (Professor of Clinical Cardiology)Jemma Lockwood (Nursing senior teaching fellow)Dr Dan Ma: (Lecturer)Dr Andy Macduff (Clinical Speciality Lead)Professor Eamonn Maher, Dean of Aston Medical SchoolDr Mandeep Marwah (Lecturer)Dr Jame McCrae (Clinical Speciality Lead - Pharmacology)Dr Shahid Merali (Clinical Senior Lecturer Lead For Primary Care Education)Dr Jayne Murphy (Programme Director, Nursing)Dr David Nagel (Research Facilitator)Maged Nessim (Healthcare Leadership Lead)Osita Okafor (Clinical Research Fellow In Cardiology)Dr Sion Parry (Lecturer)Ashwin Patel (Programme office)Dr Alexis Paton (Lecturer in Social Epidemiology and the Sociology of Health)Dr Mark Pearson (Assessment Lead, MBChB)Professor Yusuf A. Rajabally (Honorary Professor of Neurology)Dr Ali Rasool (Clinical teaching Fellow)Dr Liyakat Rasool (Clinical Teaching Fellow)Dr Natalie Rowe (Clinical Senior Lecturer - Simulation)Dr Jaimy Saif (Lecturer)Dr Lissette Sanchez Aranguren (Lecturer)Dr Sally Sheward (GP Educator)Dr Berthold Stegemann (Senior Research Fellow)Rob Stevens (Examinations and Assessment Manager)Dr Claire Stocker (Phase I Lead, MBChB)Carly Storer (Programme office)Ben Thompson (Clinical Senior Lecturer)Dr Siu Tim, Wan (Lecturer - Statistician)Dr Keqing Wang (Lecturer)Emma Western (Exams and Assessments Coordinator)Ben Willets (Simulation Technician)Dr Theo Wong (Honorary Clincial Senior Lecturer - MLA Lead) Ian Woodroffe (Physician Associates Clinical Teaching Fellow)Dr Rajendra Yadava (Clinical Speciality Lead)Dr Abbasin Zegard (Clinical Research Fellow)Professional Services staffIrene Bubb (Programme Office) Janet Drury (Academic Support Lead)Lucy Gregory (Widening Participation Assistant) Sarah Hopkins (Laboratory Research Technician)Paul Hunt (Academic Administrator)Jeanette Ikuomola (Programme Office Lead)Dr David Nagel (Research Facilitator)Ashwin Patel (Programme office)Rob Stevens (Examinations and Assessment Manager)Carly Storer (Programme office)Emma Western (Exams and Assessments Coordinator)