World-leading research at Aston University

Our mission is to deliver research that changes lives for the better. As a public research university, we foster collaboration between students, academics and industry leaders, bringing together people from all backgrounds and disciplines in the pursuit of knowledge, academic excellence, and a better world. 

Research takes place within our academic colleges: 

College of Business and Social Sciences

Academics engage in research across a wide range of areas in business, the social sciences and humanities. For a general overview of the research learn more here

Aston Business School 
Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship
Marketing and Strategy
Operations and Information Management
Work and Organisation

Aston Law School

School of Social Sciences and Humanities 
Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics
Aston Centre for Europe
Centre for Critical Inquiry into Society and Culture
Centre for Language Research at Aston

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences 

Key fields of research include photonics, low carbon energy sources, renewable bioproducts, and innovative technologies that will enhance urban life all over the world. For a general overview of the research learn more here.

School of Engineering and Technology / School of Computer Science and Digital Technology 
Engineering and Technology
Computer Science and Digital Engineering
Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies

School of Infrastructure and Sustainable Engineering
Infrastructure and Sustainable Engineering
Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI) 
Aston Institute for Urban Technologies and the Environment (ASTUTE) 

College of Health and Life Sciences

The College of Health and Life Sciences specialise in four key multidisciplinary themes of cellular and molecular biomedicine, health and disease across the lifespan, clinical and systems neuroscience, and vision, cognition, and language. For a general overview of the research learn more here

Aston Medical School
Translational Medicine Research Group

School of Biosciences
Biosciences Research Group
Aston Research Centre for Healthy Ageing
Aston Centre for Membrane Protein and Lipid Research 

Aston Pharmacy School
Pharmaceutical and Clinical Pharmacy Research Group
Pharmacology and Translational Neuroscience Research Group

School of Optometry
Optometry and Vision Science Research Group

School of Psychology
Applied Health Research Group
Cognition and Neuroscience Research Group

Research institute 
Institute of Health and Neurodevelopment (IHN)

Our University Research Institutes (URIs) and research centres

At the heart of our research ecosystem, our research centres and five accredited institutes link expertise within our colleges to our beneficiaries. They address real-world problems through interdisciplinary work and utilise shared facilities to push the boundaries of knowledge.


We strongly recommend that you explore our departmental web pages, before applying, so that you can better position your research proposal to fit with academics' current research interests. You can learn more about our specialist research programmes here


Aston University is arguably the best place to do postgraduate work in Forensic Linguistics within the English-speaking world. It is such a niche field so not many universities have programmes in it or supervisors that would be qualified to supervise projects. Dr Madison Hunter, PhD student, 2019-2022, Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics