Staying connected with the university gives you lots of opportunities. We have just launched our coffee lounge connections to help you keep connected with the university and to also develop your professional network with our industry themed online networking events from the comfort of your home or office desk. You will be able to mingle with recent alumni, current final year and postgraduate students looking to enter your industry sector soon along with building your Aston network with fellow alumni.
Our networking platform gives you the experience of a real networking event as it puts you in control; you can decide to mingle with already chatting groups or create your own chat group to have conversations about your career and industry sector with our current postgraduate students. It can also support your wellbeing as it is important to continue to build and develop new professional relationships for future development.
So refresh your introductions and get ready for our first event on 28th October 2020 from 1pm – 2pm. Register now for our first finance-led event, to avoid disappointment.
*Participation on the day will be on a first come first serve basis.
Dates, times and locations
We have launched our coffee lounge connections to help you keep connected with the University and to also develop your professional network with our industry themed online networking events from the comfort of your home or office desk.