Book a room
We have a variety of rooms available for use through the University campus
For Staff room bookings (internal) please find us on the Student Support section of Solve.
You can see detailed information on each of our available rooms.
For all external room hire please contact Conference Aston.
For queries relating to timetabling, please visit our webpage.
For any society wishing to book a room please contact the Student Union on 0121 204 4855 or email union reception.
For student room bookings, please visit Student Study Spaces.
Please note: The Aston University Emergency contact telephone number is ext. 2222 (internally) and 0121 359 2922 (externally).
If you discover a fire, please operate the nearest fire alarm.
Ring ext. 2222, or go directly to the the Security Control Room, giving:
a) The location of the fire.
b) Your name and address.
c) Any other relevant details (e.g. visitors with additional needs).
The intermittent sounding of the fire alarm indicates that an incident has been reported.
Full evacuation should not be initiated at this stage.
The continuous sounding (two-tone warble) of the fire alarm indicates that full evacuation
should proceed immediately.
If you hear the continuous alarm:
a) Evacuate the building immediately using the nearest fire exit and report to the assembly point next to the lake (Vauxhall Parade) in a quiet and orderly manner.
b) Do not stop to collect personal belongings.
c) Do not use the lifts.
d) Do not enter the building again unless authorised to do so by Security Staff.
In the event of medical assistance being required, please contact the Security Control Room on ext. 4803 (internally) or 0121 204 4803 (externally). The office is staffed 24 hours a day and all Security personnel are qualified first aiders.
For your own safety and the safety of other users of University premises, please ensure you are aware of the following:
Wherever possible, the University should be informed of any visitors with additional needs who may require assistance in the event of an evacuation, or parking facilities close to the Main Building.
Toilets are situated on the Ground Floor at the rear of the Security Control Room, on the Sixth Floor (North side), the Seventh Floor of the North Wing and at the rear of the Great Hall.
In the event of an evacuation, wheel chair users and persons with mobility difficulties should be taken to the nearest staircase and Security informed of their location. Under no circumstances should the lifts be used. Access to all stairwells is through fire doors which are heat/flame resistant for 30 minutes. In addition, the stairwells are fire proofed and made of concrete.