EPPR a multidisciplinary education and professional practice research group launched by the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS), in October 2022 to create a community of practice around driving excellence in Learning and Teaching across the College, University, and the sector. The group brings together like-minded academics from different fields to carry our research and scholarship to enhance Learning and Teaching in HE.


EPPR Pedagogical Research Group

We spoke to Goudarz Poursharif our Associate Dean in Education about the EPPR Research Group. The group brings together like-minded academics from different fields to carry our research and scholarship to enhance Learning and Teaching in HE.

The aims of EPPR are:

  • To ensure that College L&T strategy is fully aligned with that of the University. 
  • To enhance student experience, wellbeing, engagement, outcome across our courses by ensuring that L&T within the college uses sector leading delivery and assessment technologies and techniques. 
  • To promote widening participation and outreach.
  • To ensure that the college fully implements research informed teaching (RIT).
  • To ensure that professional practice and industry are fully embedded within the curriculum at all levels and that all programmes acquire and maintain appropriate professional accreditation.
  • To ensure that EPS acts as a beacon of excellence for L&T and professional practice through dissemination and the trial of innovative approaches.
  • To encourage and support EPS colleagues to successfully apply for teaching awards such as the Advance HE National Teaching Fellowships.
  • To provide an inclusive forum for students and staff to identify and share the best examples of practice in L&T and professional practice across the College.
  • To contribute to national and international government strategies where appropriate.

The aims will be achieved through the following activities:

  • A series of regular EPS seminars on topics relevant to the group by both EPS colleagues and invited speakers. 
  • Regular publication of articles in leading conferences and journals aligned to the aims of the group.
  • Engagement with students, employers, external bodies and conferences related to pedagogy and professional practice in Engineering and Science.
  • Implementation of a series of L&T and professional practice projects across EPS with the aim of enhancing student performance, quality, or efficiency of delivery.
  • The regular acquisition of external funds to support EPPR activities. • Organization of an annual EPS L&T Forum to showcase innovation.
  • Showcasing the best examples of practice in internal and external forums.
Research areas:
  • Assessment and Feedback
  • Education 4.0, Professional Practice and Work-Based Learning
  • Digital Pedagogy
  • Widening Participation and EDI
  • Education for Sustainable Development and Engineering Ethics
  • Student Experience Champion Projects
Research projects:

The 6 EPS L&T enhancement Projects are:

  • Pedagogy 4.0: enhancing computer aided engineering delivery to foster student engagement and develop employability skills
  • College of Engineering and Physical Sciences Group Assessment Framework and Toolkit
  • Identifying and Addressing Attainment Disparities between Students of Different Ethnicities
  • How to better support students in learning programming? A study to improve understanding on what students need in a post-COVID era.
  • Lab in a box: bridging the gap between mathematics and engineering practice
  • Comparison of approaches taken in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at Aston University

Research success 

EPPR member awarded a National Teaching Fellowship


EPPR member and senior teaching fellow, Jean-Baptiste R. G. Souppez, has been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship for his contribution to excellent teaching and student outcomes.

Jean-Baptiste teaches materials and manufacturing, engineering for the user, engineering for industry, and design for manufacturing and assembly in the University’s College of Engineering and Physical Sciences.

The National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS), operated by Advance HE, celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in UK higher education. 

On receiving the award, Jean-Baptiste said:

“This National Teaching Fellowship is a tremendous honour. My pedagogical research revolves around empowering learners through the implementation of learning and teaching strategies for diversity and inclusion, as well as real-world learning and authentic assessments for employability."

Find out more here


Research publications 

EPRR research publications


The EPS Learning & Teaching Research Project Showcase 2022-23

The EPS Learning & Teaching Research Project Showcase 2022-23, Aston University was a successful event that brought together researchers from the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS), the College of Business and Social Sciences (BSS), and the College of Health and Life Sciences (HLS). The event, which took place on 15 September 2023 at Conference Aston, featured a series of presentations on the 2022-23 EPS funded Learning and Teaching projects in different disciplines.

The event started with an opening and overview of pedagogical research in EPS Professor Tony Clark (Deputy Head of College, EPS) and Dr Goudarz Poursharif (Associate Dean for Education, EPS), followed by similar overviews from the other two colleges by Dr Amy Sheppard and Dr Alan Goddard (Associate Deans for Education, HLS) and Mr Christopher Umfreville (Deputy Dean for Education, BSS). The attendees learned about the current state and future directions of pedagogical research at Aston University, and how it aligns with the university’s vision, mission and the newly published Aston 2030 Strategy.

The main part of the event consisted of six research project presentations, covering a range of themes such as computer aided engineering, programming, mathematics, sustainable development, group assessment, and attainment disparities. The presenters showcased their innovative and impactful projects, which aim to enhance the learning experience and outcomes of students in various fields. The presentations were followed by lively discussions and questions from the audience, who expressed their interest and appreciation for the work done by the researchers.

The event concluded with an evaluation of EPS PAL Mathematics Scheme, which is a peer-assisted learning scheme that supports students in developing their mathematical skills. The evaluation showed positive results in terms of student satisfaction, engagement, and performance. The event ended with a presentation of Dr Darren Campbell Education Award, which recognises excellence in education research. The award was given to Jean-Baptise Souppez and his team for their Pedagogy 4.0.

The EPS Learning & Teaching Research Project Showcase 2022-23, was a memorable and inspiring event that celebrated the achievements and contributions of pedagogy researchers at Aston University. The event fostered a sense of community and connection among the researchers from different colleges, who share a common goal of improving learning and teaching at Aston University. The event also highlighted the importance and relevance of education research in the post-COVID era, where learning and teaching face new challenges and opportunities. 


EPPR event

EPPR event