
Purpose of the committee

The purpose of this committee is to develop, enable and evaluate the implementation of the University strategy for Learning and Teaching, ensuring that the College Learning and Teaching Strategies are consistent with this strategy and that all Learning and Teaching strategies support the University’s over-arching strategy.

The committee also has responsibility for enabling and evaluating the work of Colleges and central departments in identifying, promoting, and disseminating effective practice and innovation in programme design and delivery, in teaching, feedback and assessment methodologies, and making recommendations on the enhancement of the quality and standards of taught programmes and of the student learning experience.

Reports to

Membership and Terms of Reference

You can find a full list of members in the Membership List document below:

You can find more detailed information about this committee in the Terms of Reference below:


This Committee meets four times each academic year.



The minutes of the most recent meetings can be found at the link below (staff login required):

Agendas, minutes, and papers from previous and future meetings can be found on the Blackboard module for this committee. If you would like access to these papers, please contact the Quality Team who will enable the access permissions.

University Education Strategy

Quality Committees

College Learning and Teaching Committees

University Committee System

For more information on the University's Committee System, please visit the University Committee Webpages.