The Quality Team, within the Education Department, is responsible for supporting a number of University Committees which relate to Quality Enhancement and Assurance.
For more information on the University's Committee System, please visit the University Committee Webpages.
Learning and Teaching Committee
The University Learning and Teaching Committee (ULTC) reports directly to Senate. It develops, enables, and evaluates the implementation of the University strategy for Learning and Teaching. The Committee also enables and evaluates the work of Colleges and central departments in identifying, promoting, and disseminating effective practice and innovation in programme design and delivery, and in teaching, feedback, and assessment methodologies. The Committee also makes recommendations on the enhancement of the quality and standards of taught programmes and of the student learning experience.
You can find more information about the Learning and Teaching Committee and its work by visiting the LTC webpage.
Partnerships Sub-Committee
Partnerships Sub-Committee (PSC) reports to the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Sub-Committee (QAESC). Its primary role is to ensure that collaborative arrangements with partners which lead to the award of academic credit or qualifications of the University adhere to relevant quality standards and meet legal and regulatory requirements. PSC plays an important role in mitigating financial and reputational risk. It also oversees the approval, monitoring, review, renewal, termination, and teach out of collaborative arrangements.
You can find more information about the Partnerships Sub-Committee and its work by visiting the PSC webpage.
Programme Approval and Development Sub-Committee
The Programme Approval and Development Sub-Committee (PADSC) is a sub-committee of the University Learning and Teaching Committee. Its purpose is to approve new programmes in liaison with Programme Specific Approval Panels (PSAPs) and to approve modifications to existing programmes, suspensions and withdrawals.
You can find more information about Programme Approval and Development Sub-Committee and its work by visiting the PADSC webpage.
Regulation Sub-Committee
Regulation Sub-Committee (RSC) is a sub-committee of the Learning and Teaching Committee. RSC ensures consistent academic standards across the University through monitoring, review, and enhancement of the University’s regulatory framework, taking into account the implications of external bodies, policy, and changes in University strategy and practice.
You can find more information about Regulation Sub-Committee and its work by visiting the RSC webpage.
Degree Apprenticeship Sub-Committee
The Degree Apprenticeship Sub-Committee (DASC) reports to the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Sub-Committee (QAESC). DASC maintains oversight of the quality assurance of the University’s degree apprenticeship provision through regular monitoring and review, ensuring compliance with apprenticeship standards, Ofsted requirements and the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education IfATE.
You can find more information about the Degree Apprenticeships Sub-Committee and its work by visiting the DASC webpage.