General Regulations

General Regulations apply to all Aston students in all years of their programme. The Senate, which includes student representatives, reviews the General Regulations annually and may approve up-dates for the following academic year. Recent changes are summarised in our New & Revised General Regulation document. 

New and Revised General Regulations 2024/25

Credit & Qualifications Framework (for all students)
Approach to Degree Algorithms
Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes
Foundation Degree Programmes
Graduate Diploma Programmes
Apprenticeships and Work-Based Programmes
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery and Physician Associate Practice Programmes
Postgraduate Taught Programmes
Conduct of Boards of Examiners
Fitness to Study (for all students)
Fitness to Practise (applies only to students on College of Health & Life Sciences programmes listed within these regulations)

    Degrees by Research and Thesis

    Research Regulations apply to all Aston research students at all stages of their programme. The Senate, which includes student representatives, reviews the Research Regulations annually and may approve up-dates for the following academic year.

    Degrees by Research and Thesis (MSc by Research, MPhil, Ph.D., Professional Doctorate)

     Staff Guidance

    The Regulation Sub-Committee (RSC) regularly produces guidance for staff on areas of regulatory change, processes, or structures that require further clarity. This guidance currently includes the trailing of credit into the placement stage, developing integrated programmes with stages comprised of a single module, and guidance on virtuous credit.

    Staff Guidance

    Guidance for Staff on Trailing Credit into Stage P

    Guidance to Staff on Stages Comprised of a Single Module

    Virtuous Credit Guidance Notes


    Looking for Regulations and Policies on Examinations and Assessment?

    Contacts for advice or guidance:

    For advice or guidance, please contact Adam Hewitt.