External Examination GuidanceRegulations, Forms, and External Examiners processesRegulationsSee Section 2 and Appendix 1 on 'External Examiners' in the General Regulations for the Conduct of Boards of ExaminersGeneral RegulationsAssessment RegulationsFormsExternal Examiner Report Form - to be provided to Examiners by the SchoolForm for the Appointment of External Examiners for Taught Programmes945.08 KBForm for the Extension to an External Examiner's RemitExternal Examiner ProcessesExternal Examiner Appointment Guidance NotesExternal Examiner Induction FrameworkExternal Examiner Reports and ResponsesUseful InformationQAA Quality Code and GuidanceBriefing for External ExaminersContactsFor advice or guidance on the External Examiners System at Aston:Quality Team - External Examiner Communications