Information on the Review of Research programmes may be found here.


The evaluation of modules and teaching programmes is a key part of the University's quality assurance processes, and part of a cycle of continuous improvement by the staff and students of a programme. Evaluation centres on critical reflection at the Module, Programme, College, and University levels.

The University has moved away from a fixed point annual review to a Continual Monitoring and Enhancement (CME) approach. This approach supports Programme Teams to review relevant data and information relating to their programmes at the time that the data is released, allowing for timely and responsive resolution of issues and sharing of good practice.

It is through this process that the University assures itself, and other stakeholders, that the quality and standards are being managed.

Evaluation Policy

The current Evaluation Policy sets out the context and process of Continual Monitoring and Enhancement.

Module-Level Evaluation (Module Reflection)

Module Leaders should complete a Module Report and Action Plan (Module reflection), annually, which will be reviewed via the Programme Director for each programme to which the module contributes.

The guidance document (below) provides detailed information about what should be considered within the report and reflection.

The resulting report and action plan will inform the Programme Continual Monitoring and evaluation reports. 

Programme-Level Evaluation

Programme Directors should complete the action plan template (below) at each review point as outlined in the policy in consultation with the programme delivery team, students, and other stakeholders. 

The resulting report and action plan should be submitted to the Associate Deans (or nominee – your College will advise you as appropriate).

Evaluation of Apprenticeships

Apprenticeship programmes are exempt from the standard continuous monitoring process for taught programmes. Instead, Apprenticeship Programme Directors should complete a Programme-Level Self-Assessment Report (SAR) annually to Degree Apprenticeships Sub-Committee (DASC) and a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) on a continuing basis as a live document.

College-Level Evaluation

The College-Level Evaluation will be undertaken by Associate Deans, reporting outcomes to the University Learning and Teaching Committee for scrutiny. 

Resources and Data Sources

For guidance on this policy, please contact the Quality Team.