A-Z of Academic Regulations, Quality Policies & ProceduresAn A-Z index of the areas for which the Quality Team is responsibleThis page is an A-Z index of the areas for which the Quality Team is responsible.You can also view the Quality Handbook page to view other areas of the Quality Code.AAcademic Appeals ProcedureAcademic Offences ResourcesAdvisory Boards Guidance and TemplateAMA - Recognising Module AchievementAnnual Evaluation (Research Programmes)Apprenticeship Coaching - Custom and PracticeArtificial Intelligence - Staff Briefing Notes30.44 KBArtificial Intelligence Guidance for Staff and Students4.11 MBAssessment and ExaminationsAssessment - Student Code of ConductAttendance Recording PolicyA-Z of Registry ServicesCCharter, Statutes, and Ordinances Collaborative ProvisionCollege Learning & Teaching Committee Terms of Reference and Membership Guidance24.21 KBCommittee Servicing Guide - June 2024.docx9.76 MBCommittees (University Committee System)Committees (Quality Committees)Complaints ProcedureContinual Monitoring and EnhancementDDegree Outcomes Statement212.03 KBDegree Apprenticeships Sub-CommitteeDegree Apprenticeships Coaching - Peer Observation PolicyDegree Apprenticeships Coaching - Peer Observation FormDegree Apprenticeships Criteria for the Appointment of End Point Assessors for Integrated Apprenticeships699.8 KBDegree Apprenticeship & Adult Learning Self Assessment Report (SAR) and QIP Policy1.96 MBDegree Apprenticeship & Adult Learning Self-Assessment Report (SAR) Template1.97 MBDegree Apprenticeship & Adult Learning Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) Proforma9.06 KBDegree Apprenticeships - EPA Assessor Appointment Form947.09 KBDegree Apprenticeships - External Examiner Report Template for EPA Oversight951.7 KBDegree Apprenticeships - EPA Independent Assessor Report Template949.71 KBDegree Apprenticeships - External Examiner Quality Assurance of Integrated Apprenticeship EPA1.81 MBDegree Apprenticeships - Independent Assessors Role for Integrated Apprenticeships1.81 MBDevelopment Activity for Learning and TeachingDisciplinary Regulations for StudentsE Education StrategyEthics Policy and ProceduresEvaluation and Review (Taught Programmes)Evaluation and Review (Student-Facing Professional Services)Examinations and AssessmentExaminations Feedback GuidanceExaminations Feedback ProformaExceptional CircumstancesExpenses claim form - Programme Review/Approval panelistsExternal Examiners (Information for)External Examiners FrameworkFFeedback GuidelinesFeedback on Examinations (Guidance)Feedback on Examinations (Proforma)GGeneral Regulations for ProgrammesHHandbook (Quality Handbook)Handbook (Student) Guidelines and InsertIInternal Moderation Form52.48 KBIndustrial Action Moderation FlowchartLLearning Analytics PolicyLearning Analytics Intervention PolicyLearning and Teaching CommitteeLearning and Teaching StrategyLTC (Learning and Teaching Committee)MModule Leader Role Descriptor23.95 KBMy Engagement Interventions Policy (Learning Analytics)PPeer ObservationPeriodic Review (Research Programmes - 6 years)Periodic Review (Taught Programmes - 6 years) Personal Tutoring Policy332.64 KBPersonal Tutor Staff Handbook254.22 KBProgramme Approval/Update (Research Programmes)Programme Approval/Update (Taught Programmes)Programme Committee Template and Terms of Reference21.36 KB Programme Directors HandbookProgramme Monitoring and EnhancementPulse survey results QQuality CodeQuality CommitteesQuality HandbookRReading List Policy239.35 KBReading List PolicyRegulationsRegulation Sub-Committee (RSCPolicy on the Recording of Lectures, Webinars, and other Teaching Sessions1.8 MBSStudent Code of Conduct for AssessmentsStudent Code of Conduct311.5 KBStudent-Facing Professional Services Evaluation and ReviewStudent Handbook Guidelines and InsertTTaught Provision Lifecycle - Approval, Modification, SuspensionTerms & Conditions of Enrolment - Further information about Consumer Law & Higher EducationTerm Dates 2018 - 2026Terms of Reference for College Learning & Teaching Committees19.78 KBText-Matching Software Policy (see Assessment Regulations)UUniversity CommitteesWWaivers of RegulationsWaiver of Regulations Application Form