Regulations on Student Discipline

These regulations set out the University’s processes relating to disciplinary action that can be implemented in cases where students infringe on the Charter and Statutes, Ordinances, and Regulations of the University.

Tariff of Penalties

This tariff sets out the range of penalties available to Academic Offences Officers and the University Academic Misconduct Board when dealing with suspected academic offences cases.

Academic Misconduct Board Procedures


These procedures set out the membership, powers, and conduct of the Academic Misconduct Board to hear academic offences cases referred by College Academic Offences Officers.

Also available:

Student Acceptance of Charge AOO Jurisdiction

    Disciplinary Board Procedures

    These procedures set out the membership, powers, and conduct of the Disciplinary Board to hear cases of breaches of University discipline regulations.

    Plagiarism: Notes of Guidance for Markers

    This guidance provides advice to staff on what to do when they suspect a submitted assessment or part of a submitted assessment may have been plagiarised.

    Aston Student Code of Conduct

    This Code of Conduct applies to all students.