Thank you for choosing to study at Aston University.  

So we can confirm your eligibility for a CAS, we ask if you can please complete a Pre-CAS Questionnaire. This can take up to 30 minutes to complete so we recommend that you have details of all your previous UK visas and qualifications for courses taken within the UK with you before you start.  

You will be sent a unique link to complete the questionnaire in a system called CAS Shield. You will only receive the link after accepting your offer. If you have not received a link within 3 working days of accepting your offer from Aston University, then please contact our Visa Compliance Team. We kindly ask that you wait for the 3 working days to finish before emailing the Compliance Team. 

Please only submit one response to this questionnaire, it will then be processed and you will be contacted if we need any additional information or evidence.  

Please note:  

  • You will only receive a link to CAS shield if you have accepted your offer

  • You will need to have held your funds for 28 days in order to complete the CAS shield process.

  • Every new academic course taken at Aston University will require a new visa, and therefore a new CAS.
  • The completion of this questionnaire does not guarantee that you will receive a CAS. You will still be required to meet all the conditions of your offer.
  • Once your College is happy that you meet the conditions, and you are within about 6 months of the start date of your course, they will issue your CAS. (If extending your visa for your current course your new CAS will be issued by an international student adviser).
  • If you currently have a visa for the UK (which allows you to extend or switch in country), unfortunately you will not be able to apply for your visa from the UK if there are more than 28 days between the end of your current visa and that start of your new course. Some Covid concessions may apply, so please contact an International Student Adviser for help if this applies to you.
  • If you are able to make a Student Route Visa application from within the UK, you must make this application through the free visa advice service offered by Aston University in the Student Solutions Centre, otherwise you will not be able to enrol on your course. New students making a visa application can click here for information on how to apply.  

If you need to, you can save the questionnaire and come back to it at a later date.

You will be able to track the status of your CAS directly on the system.