Searching for your placement is both exciting and challenging, so it’s important to be aware of all the support available to you during this period.

You are welcome to contact the Disability and Neurodiversity Support Team for assistance and advice during your placement search and whilst you are on placement. Advice and guidance can also be sought directly from the Careers and Placements team.

Before selecting a placement, make sure you consider the following:

  • What adjustments would be needed to ensure you can fulfil the role requirements and work intensity? For example, if your placement has a lot of reporting and analysis and you need support with reading.
  • Is the environment suitable? For example, will the placement involve noisy or distracting environments, or will it have physical requirements.
  • What support can we provide? Although we cannot make the adjustments in your placement, we can certainly help you with advice and guidance.

The level of support available will depend on the type of placement you choose.  Some placements may mean that DSA funding is not applicable or available for that year, whereas others can still attract DSA funding for you to continue to access Study Skills, Mentoring or other DSA support.

University services including counselling, advice and of course our team are all still available to support you on placement. If you are moving away your local GP may be able to advise you of someone who you could register with for the duration of your placement.


Should I share information regarding my support needs to employers? 


Sharing, or ‘disclosing’ a disability or neurodiversity is a very personal decision. During your placement search you may be asked on application forms or during the interview stage whether you have a disability. Disclosing early in the process and during the application stage allows the employer to prepare any necessary support. These may be things such as extra time on a psychometric test or ensuring easy access or ground floor interview rooms and parking (if you have mobility difficulties). You may find it easier to disclose during the interview stage.

You may feel that you do not need to disclose as there will be no impact on your ability to do the job. However, before making your decision you may wish to talk it through with us. Even if you are not registered with us, you can still arrange a meeting for an informal chat.