The University provides a Student Guide to Exceptional Circumstances. Please read this carefully.

If you are considering approaching the University Counselling and Mental Wellbeing Service for ‘evidence’ in support of your ECAP submission, we hope that the following will clarify what we are able to provide, and under what circumstances. 

We are generally able to provide a letter for you to add to your ECAP Form if you have met with a counsellor/psychotherapy practitioner on several occasions PRIOR to your request for a letter, and if your particular circumstances are ‘exceptional’ as described in the above document. 

If you are known to us, it means that we are more likely to be in a position whereby we can comment on how your circumstances have impacted on your academic work. We can also confirm the period of time in which you have been seeking support through our Service. 

We are UNABLE to provide evidence if you are unknown to us and access the service with the main intention of gaining a letter. Clearly, we are unable to provide evidence of circumstances which occurred in the past and of which we had no prior knowledge. 

We will always be willing to meet with you if you wish to engage in counselling/psychotherapy or supportive sessions. Having an opportunity to discuss your concerns can often be very helpful. 

We are aware that in some cultures it is considered shameful or embarrassing to disclose personal details to those outside of your family. But, here at Aston, you are encouraged to let staff know about any difficulties that might be interfering with your academic work. Some of the people who may be able to support you include your personal tutor, programme director, the Advice and Representation Centre (in the Student Union), and, of course, The University Counselling and Mental Wellbeing Service: