
GownBlack stuff of special design, having coat-type sleeve, narrow facings which continue around the neck and with extra wide gathers round the back
HoodBlack stuff, modified simple shape, faced on the outside of the front strap with University lining
HatBlack mortar board

Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Engineering

GownBlack stuff of special design, having coat-type sleeve, narrow facings which continue around the neck and with extra wide gathers round the back
HoodBlack stuff, modified simple shape, faced inside for three inches with University lining
HatBlack mortar board

Master of Science

GownBlack stuff of special design, having coat-type sleeve, narrow facings which continue around the neck and with extra wide gathers round the back
HoodBlack stuff, modified simple shape, fully lined with University lining
HatBlack mortar board

Master of Philosophy

GownBlack stuff of special design, having coat-type sleeve, narrow facings which continue around the neck and with extra wide gathers round the back
HoodBlue stuff, modified simple shape, fully lined with University lining
HatBlack mortar board

Doctor of Philosophy

GownClaret colour cloth robe, having coat-type sleeve, narrow facings which continue round the neck and with extra wide gathers round the back
HoodModified simple shape, in University Red stuff, faced inside for three inches with University lining
HatBlack cloth bonnet with cord and tassels of University Red

Doctor of Science

GownSame shape as for Doctor of Philosophy but in University Red, with facings on collar of University lining and gold cuffs on sleeves
HoodSame shape as for Doctor of Philosophy but of gold silk and fully lined with University lining
HatBlack velvet bonnet with cord and tassels in gold

The University lining comprises a blood crimson silk background shot with the shield of the University crest in colour at five inch spacing.