Canadian students who require Canadian Student Loans, Canadian Revenue Agency and Employment and Social Development Canada documentation to be authorised by the University should send their requests to:

Student Funds Officer
Student & Academic Services
Room MBG25
Aston University
Aston Triangle
Birmingham B4 7ET

Alternatively you can ask The Hub to pass on a request.

These forms may include:

  • Confirmation of enrolment
  • Program Information
  • Certificate of Eligibility part-time student loans and grants
  • Tuition, Education & Textbook amounts Certificate (TL11A)
  • Tuition Fees Certificate (TL11D)

You may need to submit these each year if you are a returning student. 

Information needed to complete forms

We will need the following information in order to complete forms:

  • Your name 
  • Your student number
  • The name of the programme you are studying (or studied if you have recently graduated)
  • The form you require
  • The calendar year the form is for

General information

As a rule, Canadian loans forms are completed for calendar years. This means that, for example, a 2018 form will cover terms 2 and 3 of academic year 2017/2018 and term 1 of academic year 2018/2019.

Currencies are converted using the average exchange rate for the calendar year, taken from 

If there is a deadline for when your paperwork needs to reach its destination please ensure you give us at least one week before the deadline to accommodate staff availability. 

Original copies

Forms will be signed, scanned and emailed back to you. If you require an original copy please ensure you let The Hub or Student Funds Officer know so this can be arranged. You will be told when your documents are ready for collection.

Contacting the Canadian loans authority

On occasion the Canadian loans authority request us to contact them directly. If this happens please ask the Agent in Canada to email with the request. We will then ask you for permission before we contact them to respond to their inquiry.


Loan eligibility:

The information on loan eligibility below has been taken from the CanLearn website.   

  • Be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada or designated as a protected person 
  • Be a permanent resident of a province or territory that issues Canada Student Loans 
  • Demonstrate financial need 
  • Be enrolled in at least 60% of a full course load (40% for students with permanent disabilities) if you are a full-time student 
  • Be enrolled in 20-59% of a full course load if you are a part-time student (if you are a student with permanent disabilities and you are studying between 40-59 percent of a full course load, you can choose to be considered a student in full or part-time studies) 
  • Be enrolled in a degree, diploma or certificate program offered by a designated post-secondary school that runs for at least 12 weeks within a 15-week period 
  • Pass a credit check if you are 22 or older and are applying for your first Canada Student Loan 
  • Not have exhausted your maximum lifetime limit for financial assistance (including interest-free status) 
  • To continue receiving student loans and grants each year you are in school, you must maintain satisfactory grades 
International Office - Aston in your country: Canada

Advice and information from the International Office

Useful links including private loans & other funding opportunities:

Useful links:    

Government of Canada CanLearn   
How to apply (CanLearn)     
Provincial & Territorial Information (CanLearn)     
Exchange Rate Converter (Oanda)    


Checked and updated 10/01/2019 DR

Other funding: 

Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund available to Canadian men and women for academic postgraduate study in the UK.

Private loans: 

The Royal Bank of Canada provide private loans to eligible students studying outside Canada via the RBC Royal Credit Line.