It is recommended that you change your password at least annually, but in line with best practice, every 3 months would be advisable.

You should also change your password if you believe somebody has seen you enter your details, or if you believe your account may have been compromised in any way.

Password Complexity Requirements

When you change your password, it has to comply to the complexity requirements set out below:

Passwords should contain the following at minimum:

  • At least 8 characters in length
  • Contains at least one capital-letter (A-Z)
  • Contains at least one symbol ($&%*...)
  • Must not include any part of your name
  • For compatibility with some legacy systems, avoid the use of the following characters: / " : | ?

Please note:
When changing your password, please avoid adding a number or letter to the end of your existing password, or incrementing a number at the end of your password as this method is known to malicious actors and makes it very easy for them to re enter your account if they have your previous details.

Precautions when changing password

  • Encrypted laptop or desktop

If you own an Aston device that is encrypted, it is advisable to change your password on that device and not using through Office portal method. This is so the machine will sync your new password to the Sophos encryption and save potentially you locking yourself out. If you have changed your password on a different device and do have an encrypted laptop, you may have to use your old password to get into it, once on the network or VPN, then the new password will sync over approx a 10 minute period. This would only need to be completed one time for it to receive your new password. Please contact the Digital Services Helpdesk if you require any assistance with this by calling ext 3445 or the IT Helpdesk.

Be Aware - Other devices logged in using your existing credentials will lock your account out if you do not address this first.

  • Syncing Email

If you have Aston email set up to push to your smartphone or another device such as a tablet, please ensure to disable this before changing your password. You can either remove the account and re set up, or stop the sync and enter the new password. This needs to be completed ASAP once your password is changed, as the phone would then be trying to use your old credentials to access emails which after a few minutes can then lock your account - This is seen by the system as someone else trying to access your account and so it locks the account for security reasons.

The device would then need your new password entering on the application that the smartphone is using.

Note: If you have your email account configured on a mobile device, such as an iPhone or iPad, or have a second device such as a laptop or work PC at home then you are advised to disconnect them before changing your password. If you do not do this then there is a possibility that your login account will be locked out. If this occurs and you are not able to login shortly after changing your password then we advise you turn off all additional equipment and your account should then unlock automatically after 20 minutes.

  • Wi-Fi Password

If you have changed your account password and not updated your Wi-Fi password on a smartphone, then you will have issues connecting to Wi-Fi on Campus. Go into your devices Wi-Fi Settings and 'forget' the connection (usually Aston Connect), then reconnect to the Wi-Fi and re enter your account name and new password.

  • Smartphone Apps

Update the password for any other mobile Aston applications such as MyAstonApp, Safezone, CoreHR etc. The app may allow you to do this in the settings, or you may have to clear the data/uninstall and reinstall the applications once you have changed your password, then enter the new details.

Changing your Password

To change your password, follow one of the following methods:

Windows users

This is advisable if you own an Aston provided encrypted laptop or desktop as it ensures no issues arise with the password sync with your cached credentials with your encrypted Aston device.

Users of a Windows based machine need to be connected to the network to change their password, so either on Campus and connected to a wired connection or connected to _Aston Connect Wi-Fi. You can then follow this procedure to change your password:

  1. Login to the a University PC connected to the University network
  2. Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE, and then click Change Password

  3. Type your old password, then type your new password, and then type your new password again to confirm it, and the press Enter.

You should then get a confirmation that your password has been changed.

The following method is only advisable if you do not use a phone or mobile device to connect to Aston services (such as email).

  • Online via Office 365

You can change your password via a Web Browser, by navigating to the Office 365 Portal; Once you have signed in please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click the settings cog at the top right of the screen to open Settings


  2. Click Change your password
  3. You should now see the Change Password screen, please type your current password into the Current password box, type your new password into both New Password and Confirm new password boxes, and then click the Submit button.

Once this is complete you can return to the Office 365 login webpage, please login to all university systems including Webmail using your new password.

Mac Users

Please change your password when you are onsite on Campus. Your device should either be connected preferably to wired ethernet or failing that, to the _Aston Connect Wi-Fi.

  1. On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Users & Groups.
  2. Click Change Password.
  3. Enter your current password in the Old Password field.
  4. Enter your new password in the New Password field, then enter it again in the Verify field. For help choosing a secure password, click the Key button next to the New Password field.
  5. Enter a hint to help you remember the password. The hint appears if you enter the wrong password three consecutive times, or if you click the question mark in the password field in the login window.
  6. Click Change Password.
Unix Users

Users on either of these platforms can utilise the “Online via Office 365” process above.

It is important that you keep your username and password secure to prevent other people from accessing your account. Never give them to someone else or write them down. Digital Services will Never ask you for your username or password via email. If you receive an email requesting your personal details, then please contact the IT Helpdesk immediately. DO NOT REPLY to the email.

If you have forgotten your username or password, or if you think someone else may know them, please contact the Digital Services Helpdesk via ext 3445 or Digital Helpdesk.

Last updated: 16/03/22