SMEs (Small to Medium Enterprises) are companies with fewer than 250 employees.

Typical SMEs are web design companies and marketing agencies, manufacturers and engineering companies, local opticians and dentists, independent retailers and other service providers. 

When you consider that there are an estimated 5.9 million SMEs in the UK and that UK SMEs have a combined turnover of £2.3 trillion, you can see how they offer some fantastic job opportunities for graduates. Not to mention all of the fantastic opportunities with SMEs located across Europe and the Rest of the World.  

Working for an SME can be extremely rewarding. Unlike a larger company, you are likely to get exposure to all parts of the business and you will learn fast! Your voice is more likely to be heard and you could find yourself in a senior role more quickly than you would in a larger organisation. Looking for SME opportunities can also help you to side-step the fiercely competitive graduate recruitment processes of blue-chip companies.

Here are some useful resources to help you make sense of the SME world and the opportunities it offers for you.

Vacancies with SMEs

Researching SMEs

SME opportunities can take effort on your part to discover. The process for landing an SME job is less likely to involve lengthy application processes and assessment centres and more likely to involve building networks and even making speculative applications. This is where a little research will help. Below we have directed you to some of the best places to start your search.