CEO of Domestic & General Group PLC
Aston University graduate Matthew Crummack is an experienced executive having led the transformation of big consumer-facing digital brands across different geographies. He has worked with companies including GoCompare,, Expedia, Nestlé and Procter & Gamble
Matthew serves as a Senior Non-Executive Independent Director at National Express plc, a Non-Executive Director and advisor to Kidadl (start-up), and as a Member of Aston University’s Advancement Board helping the University engage with external stakeholders.
What are the major global challenges for business leaders today?
"We are currently operating in an unpredictable and fast paced world and business leaders need to stay ahead of what we don’t know is coming. Managing financial capital and human resources is incredibly challenging at the moment and with the work force shrinking finding the right skills and people is crucial to a business.
Sustainability is key and how a business positions itself on how it impacts the environment and also the community-based environment and the people around them and what role that business plays.
Operational sustainability – Can you keep your business going through cyber attack and economic downturn? The response to that is innovation and technology and how we can use new technology to create solutions to solve old problems."
What skills do graduates need?
"Experience – roll your sleeves up and do stuff and be prepared to fail and to learn. Business leaders consistently fail and learn from what they have done.
Being yourself – as a business leader there is nowhere to hide – be true to yourself and be you.
Being kind – create an environment that is kind to those people."
What role do universities play in creating employable graduates?
"Bridge the gap between somebody that has left school and inexperienced to someone who can hit a business environment and not feel totally drowned. It is not just about an academic piece of work – it is all the soft skills that gives the individual confidence to step out."
Why do you want to become a Visiting Professor?
"Being asked to be a Visiting Professor is a real honour. An opportunity to connect with some great minds."