"Business Ethics was a true eye-opener for me which will likely have an everlasting impact on the way I see the world"
What did you study at Aston University?
What year did you graduate?
Royal Arctic Line A/S
- About Verner
I am the CEO of the national shipping company for Greenland, Royal Arctic Line. We run the supply lifeline to and from Greenland. Our mission is to secure the best possible value for Greenland by connecting Greenland to global networks and make it easy to do business with Greenland.
- Why did you choose Aston Business School?
I selected Aston MBA because of its accreditations, the course content, with good emphasis on ethics and entrepreneurship, and a flexible course structure that could fit well into a busy schedule. The price/performance evaluation made Aston an easy choice, and I was not disappointed.
- What has been the highlight of your time at Aston?
The graduation ceremony was the absolute highlight :-) In terms of courses, Business Ethics was a true eye-opener for me which will likely have an everlasting impact on the way I see the world. In terms of support from staff, Melvina Neale has provided highlights every year! It is hard to single out a highlight from what really should be seen as a collection of important life-changing events.