"According to today's Industry standards, experience matters the most"

What did you study?
BSc International Business & Management

Expedia Group

If you think Sumit can help you get the information or advice you need to improve your career chances you can contact him by completing the contact form. NB: Don’t ask alumni for a job – they can provide information and advice only.

My career journey so far

In January 2018, I started as a Business Development Manager & Partner at a Start-Up Trekatribe, www.trekatribe.com. I am now working part-time for Trekatribe as a Partner. In December 2018 , I changed roles to a HR Operations Specialist at VARITE Inc and I am currently working on US & Canada HR Operations. In 2021, I joined Expedia Group as a HR Process Specialist.

How I secured my current job

Found a job posting on LinkedIn and applied. Passed different interview rounds and secured the position.

Biggest achievement to date

Still working on it...

My advice to students

According to today's Industry standards, experience matters the most. Try to get through your placement year with a firm that supports the specified field, interests and knowledge that you will require after you graduate.