Application for Replacement Degree Certificate - Students
How to Replace a Degree Certificate
The Degree Certificate issued by Aston University as proof of the conferment of the award of a degree is a unique and valuable document which should be carefully stored by its recipient.
Replacement certificates, if issued, may be in the current format which may not be the exact format of the original. This will not affect the validity of the certificate.
The destruction or loss of the certificate is a serious matter and a replacement will only be issued at the discretion of the Director of Student and Academic Services.
In order for your request to be dealt with promptly you must:
To apply for the issue of a replacement certificate you should complete all relevant sections of this following form
Once you have completed and signed this form in full please submit along with copy of your payment receipt to the Student Records team via email
Applications will not be considered if the form is not completed in full and payment is not received. Any application with missing information or payment will be closed as incomplete 5 working days from receipt. You would then need to reapply.
Replacement certificates will not usually be created due to a change of name, for instance following marriage or divorce.
Degree certificates can be reissued following gender reassignment. Please email Student and Academic Services for further information.
If you are an employer or an agency wishing to verify the award of an individual please use the Higher Education Degree Datacheck (HEDD) online verification service as outlined here.
Page reviewed March 2023