Senate is the principal academic body of the University. It is responsible for overseeing the quality and standards of all teaching and learning carried out at Aston, as well as for all research activities. Senate meetings concentrate on significant areas of academic strategy, policy and delivery. Academic ordinances and academic awards can only be made with the agreement of Senate.

With over 50 members including Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Deans, other academic and professional staff, and student representatives, Senate is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and meets three times a year. Senate has the following sub-committees and delegates powers to them as required.

Membership for 2024/25 

Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive (Chair)

Deputy Vice-Chancellors and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
Professor Osama Khan - DVC Academic
Professor Michael Caine - PVC Research and Engagement
Professor Stephen Garrett - PVC Aston London

Pro-Vice Chancellors and Executive Deans of Colleges
Professor Zoe Radnor - Business and Social Sciences
Professor Tony Clark (interim) - Engineering and Physical Sciences
Professor Anthony Hilton Health and Life Sciences

Representatives of the professors from each College

Business and Social Sciences:
Professor Ben Clegg - 2026
Professor Chris Jones - 2026
Professor Shivani Sharma - 2026
Professor Kemi Yekini - 2026

Engineering and Physical Sciences
Professor Damien Foster - 2026
Professor Goudarz Poursharif - 2026
Professor Edik Rafailov - 2026
Professor Jun Jie Wu - 2026

Health and Life Sciences
Professor Claire Farrow - 2026
Professor Liz Moores - 2026
Professor Richard Tunney - 2026

Representatives of the non-professorial teaching and research staff from each College

Business and Social Sciences
Philip Bajon - 2026
Anitha Chinnaswamy - 2026
Virginie Grzelczyk - 2026
Iyare Otabor-Olubor - 2026

Engineering and Physical Sciences
Dr Stephen Worrall - 2026
Vacancy x 3

Health and Life Sciences
Dr Raquel Gil Cazorla - 2026
Dr Jason Thomas - 2026
Vacancy x 2

One member for each seventy-five members of the Academic Assembly (14)
Philip Bajon - 2026
Daniel Hill - 2026
Reza Marvi - 2026
Dr Jörg Mathias - 2026
Iyare Otabor-Olubor - 2026
Balazs Szent-Ivanyi - 2026
Vacancy x 8

Members appointed by the Senate
Ann-Marie James - Director of Library and Information Services
Clare Gough - Academic Registrar
Professor Tony Dodd - Dean of the Graduate School

Executive Officers
Richard Billingham - Chief Operating Officer

Student representatives
President of the Students’ Union - Juan-Carlos Belza, 2025
Vice-President Education - Afia Amanoullah, 2025
Vice-President Welfare - Karina Jutla, 2025

Representative of the Professional Support Staff
Jiteen Ahmed - Head of Technical Services, 2026 and Health and Life Sciences

In attendance
Sam Burns - University Secretary

Senate Regulatory Sub-committees

Academic Appeals Committee 

Considers appeals against the decision of a Board of Examiners for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of a procedural or personal nature. Refer to the Academic Appeals Procedures for more information. 


Disciplinary Board 

Appointed by the Senate to consider and adjudicate upon any matters referred to it which are alleged breaches of discipline, and to consider appeals against decisions of authorised University Officers. Refer to the Regulations on Student Discipline for more information 


Complaints Committee 

Appointed by the Senate and Council, and chaired by a lay member of Council. Considers student complaints in respect of their experience at the University, including services and facilities provided by Schools or support departments. Refer to the Student Complaints Procedures for more information. 


Advisory Committee for Awards and Honours 

Considers nominations for University honorary degrees and distinctions and makes recommendations thereon to the Senate 

Constitution and Terms of Reference of the Senate (Ordinance 2.6) 

2.6.1      Constitution of the Senate   The Senate shall consist of the following:

               Class 1   The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive
               Class 2   The Deputy Vice-Chancellors and the Pro-Vice-Chancellors
               Class 3   The Executive Deans
               Class 4   Representatives of the Professors from each College, elected by the Professors of that
                              College, as follows:

                              College of Business and Social Sciences             4
                              College of Engineering and Physical Sciences     4
                              College of Health and Life Sciences                      4.
              Class 5    Representatives of the non-professorial teaching and research staff from each College,  
                              elected by the members of that College, as follows: 

                              College of Business and Social Sciences             4
                              College of Engineering and Physical Sciences     4
                              College of Health and Life Sciences                     4.

              Class 6    One member for each seventy-five members of the Academic Assembly, to be elected by
                               members of the Academic Assembly. For this purpose, if the number of members of the
                               Academic Assembly is not an exact multiple of seventy-five, any remainder shall be
                               treated as seventy-five. 
              Class 7    Such other members of the University as the Senate may from time to time determine,
                              provided that their numbers shall not exceed one-eighth of the other membership of the
                              Senate, and provided also that there shall be represented the persons charged with the
                              welfare of students. 

             Class 8    The Executive Officers: Such Executive Officers as may be approved by Council on the
                              recommendation of the Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive from time to time.

              Class 9    Five students to include: the President, the Vice-President Education and the Vice-
                              President Welfare of the Students’ Union, and one postgraduate student and one
                              undergraduate student elected by the students of the University.

              Class 10  One representative of the professional support staff elected by the professional support
                              staff.   Staff members other than ex officio members shall hold office for a period of two years and shall be
              eligible for re-election.   Student members shall hold office for a period of one year and shall be eligible for re-election.

2.6.2      Powers and Functions of the Senate   Jointly with the Council, to nominate to the Convocation a candidate for appointment as
              Chancellor.   The Senate shall keep under regular review, in consultation with the Colleges, all academic aspects
              of the University Strategy relating to learning and teaching, research, engagement with the
              community, industry and commerce, and the experience and well-being of its staff and students,
              and shall make such recommendations to the Council, as the Senate may from time to time             
              consider necessary, for the Strategy's implementation.   The Senate shall award Degrees and other academic awards and distinctions to persons who have
              pursued a course of study approved by the Senate and have passed the examinations of the
              University or have otherwise satisfied the conditions laid down in the Regulations; and shall, on
              what the Senate deems to be good cause, deprive persons of any Degrees or other academic
              awards or distinctions awarded by the University.   The Senate shall make such Regulations as are necessary to fulfil its responsibilities under the
              Charter, the Statutes and this Ordinance, including those governing: admission to programmes and
              courses; assessment and examinations; academic appeals and student complaints; use of the
              Library, information and communication technologies and other teaching and learning resources;
              the conduct of student organisations (excluding the conduct of the Students' Union which is subject
              to specific regulation in Part 3 of these Ordinances); the award of Degrees and other distinctions
              and awards of the University; the appointment of External Examiners; the assessment and
              accreditation of prior learning; collaborative provision with external partner organisations; and the
              discipline of students.   The Senate, after reference to the Academic Assembly, shall make recommendations to the
               Council about Ordinances concerning academic matters and the discipline of students. The
               Senate shall be consulted in relation to proposed changes to the duties, functions, and conditions
               of service of all members of the Academic Staff and make recommendations thereon to the
               Council.    The Senate shall appoint a member of the Senate to be a member of the Council in Class 3 as
                provided for under paragraph 1 of Section IV of the Statutes. Any such member shall normally be
                appointed to the Council for a period of two years from 1st August immediately following their
                election, provided that they hold membership of the Senate throughout that period.   The Senate shall monitor and maintain appropriate academic standards, monitor and endeavour to
              enhance the quality of academic provision, and approve new programmes.   The Senate shall appoint the internal examiners and external examiners of the University.  The Senate shall award Honorary Degrees, the title of Emeritus Professor and other University
               distinctions.  The Senate shall determine what formalities shall attach to the conferment of Degrees and other
               distinctions, including the associated use, where appropriate, of academic dress.  The Senate shall recommend to the Council the establishment and disestablishment of Colleges
                and such other equivalent academic bodies as the Senate may from time to time consider
                advantageous for the work of the University.  The Senate shall approve the institution and acceptance from external funding bodies of
               Fellowships, Scholarships, Studentships, Grants, Bursaries, Prizes and other such aids to study
               and research.  The Senate shall approve the constitution and terms of reference of the major College Committees
                listed in Ordinance 2.4.  The Senate may discuss and declare an opinion on any matter relating to the University, on
                reference from the Council or otherwise, and to transmit such opinion to the Council. The
                Senate shall generally exercise all such powers as are or may be conferred on the Senate by the
                Charter and the Statutes, and to make Regulations in the exercise of the powers set out in this
                Ordinance and of all other powers of the Senate.

Senate Sub-Committees